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Inspiring Sundays: Living Life #11

Nothing in LIFE makes us GROW

more than the way we respond to challenges.

Don't be afraid to encounter risks

for it is by taking chances

that we learn how to be BRAVE!

Inspiring Sundays: Living Life #10

If you come across something good,

hold on to it until its time to let go...

Life offers you a thousand chances;

all you have to do is take one.
- Mhae

Inspiring Sundays: Living Life #9

If we lose something,

we lose it for a reason

and sometimes

that reason might be hard to understand.

But whatever it is,

we just have to believe

that God takes away

when He has something better to give. :)

Inspiring Sundays: Living Life #8

If what's ahead scares you,

and what's behind hurts you...

just look above...

HE never fails to help you!

- Mhae

Inspiring Sundays: Living Life #7

No one ever won a chess match
by making only forward moves.

Just like in Life..

Sometimes, you have to move backward
to take a better step forward.
- Mhae

Inspiring Sundays: Living Life #6

"Life has many choices.

If you can't have everything, have some.

If you can't be totally happy, don't be completely sad.

Just enjoy your life!"

- Mhae

Inspiring Sundays: Living Life #5

"You will get tired as everyone else does.

You can have all the choices to stop.

But remember,

taking a good rest is a lot different from giving up."

- Gia

Inspiring Sundays: Living Life #4

"God always plans the best things for us.

Sometimes we feel being left out,

but actually God is saving something for us,

one that is even better than what we actually asked for."

- Eugene

Inspiring Sundays: A Lot About Love #3

"You know it's real love when..

you are forcing yourself

to UNLOVE the person you love..


- Eugene

Inspiring Sundays: A Lot About Love #2

"Knowing that you are loved by someone...

every morning...

is worth getting up!"

- Carlo

Inspiring Sundays: Living Life #3

"Before you say I can't, make sure you've tried.

Before you let doubts stop you, confront them with facts.

Before fear holds you back, go forward with faith.

Before you believe others are better, show them what a winner you are.

Before you dismiss your dreams, wait until they've truly come true.

Before you go looking for happiness, make your own wherever you are!

God be with you!"

- Marwin

Inspiring Sundays: Friends Forever #1

"I like the simplicity of this line:

FRIENDS are like blood..

They may not always be around,

but they come out when we are wounded."

- Mhae

Inspiring Sundays: A Lot About Love #1

"Always remember that you can never find a perfect partner to love you the way you wanted..

Only a person who's willing to love you more than what you are..

Someone who'll accept you for what you can and can't be..

And that's even better than perfect!"
- Eugene

Inspiring Sundays: Living Life #2

"Everything that God allows to come our way is with a purpose.

He uses even the greatest error and the deepest hurt to mold us into a person of worth and value."
- Jel

Inspiring Sundays: Living Life #1

Whenever I feel down, whenever I encounter some problems, or just simply whenever I can't seem to get some sleep, I have this habit of going through the text messages that were sent to me. It does not only give me a sense of relief, it also makes me feel special knowing that I am loved. These messages inspired me a lot and helped me make it through, so I thought of sharing these so that I may also inspire and give hope to my blog readers. Special thanks to those who always keep me inspired. =)

"God will never leave you empty.
He will always replace whatever you've lost.
If He asks you to put something down,
it's because He wants you to pick up something BETTER."

- Jel