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First Quarter of 2013 through Instagram :)

It's just now that I realized that aside from the backlogs that are already piling up, I also haven't had the time to update even the blog posts for my Instagram shots! Tsk tsk..

I started posting them here in my blog on a monthly basis, but I don't think that would still work for me now (although I still get to update my Instagram account regularly), so I'll post it every quarter instead. :)

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It seems to me that the year has just started but time really flies and now we're already halfway through the month of April! It started out very fine and this year has been very good to me so far. :) Here are some of the highlights of the first quarter of my year.

Second Half of October 2012 through Instagram

Haven't blogged lately and my backlogs have been piling up because I've been sick for weeks now. I'm still nursing a fever and sore throat as of this writing, and since I still can't draft a decent post, let me just share with you some of the instagram photos which I never failed to take even if I'm sick. :)

Instagram161. Off to visit the doctor. Ran out of eyeliner so I just settled with wearing nothing but mascara; 2. A week's worth of meds for my migraine, cough, and colds; 3. Pizza for dinner as per Jaoey's request; 4. Work from home, used my RSA token

First Half of October 2012 through Instagram

Follow me @kriskamarie on Instagram and Twitter to see more photos of my day. :)

Instagram11 1. Baby bro sleeping over at the girl's room; 2. Free dinner at the RA Year Starter party; 3. Saturdate with Mark; 4. Cutie trash bin

Second Half of September 2012 through Instagram

Follow me @kriskamarie on Instagram and Twitter to see more photos of my day. :)

instagram81. Elliptical trainer at the Fitness First The Fort; 2. Awesome piece of art from an empty soda bottle; 3. Sunflower seeds for midnight snack; 4. Bought sunflower seeds for my friend Je; 5. Forever traffic along Ortigas Extension; 6. Trying out a new scent just because Pure Seduction is out of stock :p

First Half of September 2012 through Instagram

Follow me @kriskamarie on Instagram and Twitter to see more photos of my day. :)

instagram11. My favorite silvanas from Brownies Unlimited; 2. Woke up early and cooked breakfast for Mark; 3. Jaoey and Mark playing NBA Live on xbox360; 4. On my way to BGC for lunch and workout with Mark; 5. After workout at Fitness First The Fort; 6. Cream Dory Fillet with Buttered Veggies and Gravy cooked by yours truly :p

Addicted to Instagram

I've been using Instagram for more than a year now and I myself can't imagine how addicted I've become! I think I can manage to forgo blogging for a day or two or even for a week, but I can't let a day slip without posting a photo in Instagram. :p

I'm not feeling well today and my mind can't seem to formulate a decent food post, so let me just share with you some of the Instagram shots that I took for the past month. Enjoy! :)

IMG_5354IMG_5357IMG_5360IMG_5381IMG_5367IMG_5370IMG_5373IMG_5376IMG_5379My phone's new look - 0822All set for the long weekend - 0824Krysca - 08254th cocktail at Cowboy Grill - 0826Gym at Lotus Garden Hotel - 0826Breakfast buffet at Lotus Garden Hotel - 0827Full body workout buddies - 0827Cassava cake from My Sweets Haven - 0830 IMG_5355IMG_5358IMG_5361IMG_5364IMG_5366IMG_5371IMG_5374IMG_5378Goodbye Julio - 0822Free breakfast for the early birds - 0824Pan de Amerikana - 0825Ramen night at Ajisen Ramen - 0825Sunday mass at Our Lady of Remedies Parish in Malate - 0826Kenny Rogers Robinsons Manila - 0826Ramen at Sumo Same Gateway - 0827Hotdog spaghetti - 0828Lunch from Green Tomato - 0831 IMG_5356IMG_5359IMG_5362IMG_5365IMG_5369IMG_5372IMG_5375IMG_5377Merienda with the baby bro at KFC - 0822Friday lunch date - 0824Late lunch at Pan de Amerikana - 0825Chillin at Cowboy Grill - 0826Lunch at Wok Inn Malate - 0826Jacuzzi at Lotus Garden Hotel - 0826Hotdog spaghetti making with baby bro - 0827Team building lunch - 0830Feeling all-girly with my jelly wedge - 0831

To those of you who still haven't, you may follow me @kriskamarie on Instagram and Twitter to see more photos of my day. :)
