Showing posts with label god whispers. Show all posts

Stop, Look, and Listen!

My friend can attest to how ill-tempered I was over a lot of things for the past few weeks. I've been ranting about a lot of things lately. I get easily irritated with even the littlest imperfections of the things and people around me. And just this morning, I had an argument with my significant other. *sigh*

And then I came across this article about dealing with ones temper and found some inspiring words:

"Stop, Look, and Listen!"

"Never make decisions when you're angry."

"Don’t obey your anger. Don’t send that angry email. Don’t send that angry text. Don’t shout that angry word."

"Believe me, if you do, you’ll regret it forever."

"Next time you want to say angry words, remember its consequences. Remember that even if you apologize later, angry words leave scars in the hearts of people. Even if you’re forgiven, that scar remains for a long time."

Read full article here...

I know things have been picking on me lately, most of which I don't have control over, but I guess it's my fault that I didn't respond the right way. Thanks Bo for making me enlightened. :)


God Whispers - Laugh Often

I don't really know what got into me this past few days. I've been feeling sad and down but I really can't explain why. I get easily irritated even with the smallest things. I'm not sure if the people around me have noticed that, but God sure did! Maybe that's why He sent me this:


Dear Kriska,

Don't take yourself too seriously. Learn to laugh more often. Often, often, often. That's Doctors' orders, you hear?

The Great Physician,

P.S. Belly laughter. Daily. Do it, Kriska.


I know, right?! I need to unwind and have a good time! And I'll do that tomorrow night! Can't wait to see my navi friends! See you tomorrow! :)

God Whispers - Let Love Be The Reason

Whenever I need to decide on something, I always think of what is the right thing to do, but I must admit that I also consider what other people will say. And well yes, this oftentimes makes me more confused.

Good thing God told me this today:

Dear Kriska,

When you're making a decision, don't ask, “What will other people say?” or “What will be the easiest thing to do?” or “What will be most beneficial to me?” All those question are distractions. Only ask yourself one question: “What's the right thing to do?” If you don't know the answer, ask help from wiser friends. Once you know the answer, do it.

Love you,

P.S. Scared, Kriska? Love drives out all fear. So do everything because of love.


And now I know that nothing else really matters. For as long as you do things in the name of love and for the love of God, you will never go wrong!

God Whispers - God Provides

Whenever you feel that God has been very unfair because He seemed to have taken everything away from you, think again!


Dear Kriska,

I've made a giant storehouse overflowing with every conceivable blessing you need, including all the financial resources you would ever need for all the dreams I have placed in your heart. The key of My storehouse is in your pocket. Gave it to you a long time ago. So when will you drop by and get some stuff?

Waiting for you,

P.S. I hope really soon, Kriska.


Everything that we need has already been prepared for us by God even before we know it. In as much as we seek God in times of trouble, He would also want us to remember Him even if we are doing fine. God just wants us to look up to Him, come to Him, and bring the glory back to Him, so that He, in return, may give us what everything that we need.

God Whispers - Believe In Your Dreams

Dear Kriska,

Many people don't plan to fail, they just fail to plan.
Kriska, I want you to plan for your happiness. Dream it. Write it. Believe it. This is your destiny.


P.S. I know the power of dreams. I dreamt you into existence, Kriska. Cool, huh?


I really agree with God's message for me today. Dreaming is but natural for every person, but not all of us get to achieve our dreams mainly because we do not believe in the power of dreams.

We shouldn't just be contented in dreaming. We should also do our part to achieve what we dreamed of and believe that God will always be there to help us live our dreams.

God Whispers - I Will Succeed

I will succeed! God said it all! ;p


Dear Kriska,

Embrace failure. Fail forward. Fail quickly. So that you can start again.

It's the only road to success.

To your great success,

P.S. Kriska, you will succeed. I know.

God Whispers - Be Happy

God wants us to be happy. So always choose to be happy!!! :)


Dear Kriska,

Life is short. One hundred years is short. So wear your party pants. Be happy. Suck the joy of every single day I give you.

Be happy,

P.S. Kriska, I want you to celebrate and sing.

God Whispers - Don't Give Up

A few days ago, I had an argument with Mark, it started as a small misunderstanding which led to bringing up past mistakes. It became so bad that I was really at the peak of losing grip, that there's really nothing left to do but to give up.

We really haven't talked since then, but I have already thought things over and have decided to finally end things and talk to him tomorrow, on our 61st month.

But God seemed to have a better plan. Just as when I was on my morning routine of checking some mails, I found this:


Dear Kriska,

Don't give up. Life rewards those who persevere.

I promise you that if you don't give up, ultimately, you will find that open door. It has been waiting for you.

Your Door Opener,

P.S. When the going gets tough, the tough get going. Kriska , I made you tough.


Great advice, right? And I guess I'll be bad if I won't obey what He wants. ;p

Whenever you feel confused, know that God is always there to help you. He may not always give you the answers instantly but I assure you, He will give you the answers at the right the right time.. :)

God Whispers - I Am Magnificent

I have been feeling down this past few days. It seems that am always being taken for granted and it seems that no matter how hard I try, I still am not able to please some people.

Lucky me there still is a God who really sees the best in me. :) Just this morning, I received my first email from God and it really made my day! :)


Dear Kriska,

If only you see what I see in you. Then you'll realize how great I am—and how great you are.

Your Infinite Source of Blessings,

P.S. I'll give you a hint. Kriska, you're more magnificent than a quadrillion suns put together. (And I know suns. I made every single one of them.)


Special thanks to Jerellt for sharing with me the God Whispers subscription link. :)