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Food Friday #22: How to Make the Perfect Tropical Mocktail

How to Make the Perfect Tropical Mocktail -

Today's Food Friday feature is How to Make the Perfect Tropical Mocktail  by Zoe and Mia of Sprinkle of Vanilla Sugar. I love fruit mocktails! They're delicious and refreshing. And because fresh fruits are used, they have natural sugars and flavors, making these fruit mocktails extremely healthy too!


Aside from vegetables, fruits have also been my best friend when I started on my vegetarian diet. :) I would usually much on mangoes, watermelons, melons, apples, and bananas all throughout the day. But yesterday was different, I got to have berries for lunch and dinner. :)

Berries are good for the body as they are packed with fiber and they contain a range of nutrients, such as Vitamins B and C. They are also a good source of phytonutrients and antioxidants which help the body fight against free radicals.

Strawberries, Blueberries, Cherry Tomatoes, and Lettuce

Tomatoes contain large amounts of Vitamins C and Vitamin A, which are both good for the skin. It also contains lycopene which acts as an antioxidant, neutralizing free radicals that can damage cells in the body. ~ WHFooods: Tomatoes

Aside from Vitamin C, strawberries are also an excellent source of Vitamin K, potassium, and omega 3. ~ WHFoods: Strawberries

Though very small in size, blueberries are packed with antioxidants. They are also very low in calories. Aside from Vitamin C, they also contain Vitamin E which is good for the skin. ~ WHFoods: Blueberries

I love eating berries straight from the chiller. :) Not only will it make me healthy, it is also a great way to beat the summer heat! :) So next time you're craving for something to munch, be sure to grab a bowl of fresh berries!

Shared at: The Diet Day Blog, Food Trip Friday
