Showing posts with label burger. Show all posts

Chevy Burger, Antipolo

Chevy Burger has been my mom's usual hangout with her friends. She has been raving about how good the food is here. Gia also tried it a couple of times at their Marikina branch and was also satisfied during her visits.

Quick Bites: Tex Mex Burger from Dirt

Burgers are arguably the ultimate comfort food–that big, fat, juicy beef patty with crisp lettuce, onions, tomatoes, and a gooey melted cheese, sandwiched on a butter toasted bun. But have you ever had a vegan burger? I actually got curious when I first heard of Dirt, who offers vegan burgers. Yes, vegan! No beef, no chicken, no meat!

Food Friday #26: Grilled Salsa Burgers

Grilled Salsa Burgers -

Today's Food Friday feature is Grilled Salsa Burgers by Erin of Delightful E Made. Summer backyard BBQ, get-togethers, or potlucks almost always have burgers! I remember how my dad would cook burgers on weekends when the family's all complete.

Burger Fix at Beeffalo

I first learned about Beeffalo from my mom. She frequents this restaurant together with her friends and she has been raving about their burgers. I also got to know about Beeffalo through one of my blogger friends back in the Philippines who also happens to live in my hometown. Finally got to try it out when I went home for vacation a couple of weeks back. Dined here with my mom and dad for some burger fix. :D

Quick Bites: Fuel Basic Burger at Burger Fuel

Had a quick burger fix at the Burger Fuel branch in Mall of the Emirates back when it was still Ramadan. I know, I know. I'm such an efficient blogger. Haha! :p

Haven't had breakfast yet that time and they were the only ones open at the food court (the rest of the restaurants are either closed on only opens at noon during Ramadan), so this is where my friend and I settled.

We were the first customers, so serving time wasn't a problem. I specifically ordered the Fuel Basic and obliged when the staff asked if I wanted to have cheese in it.

Fuel Basic - AED 32 (additional AED 0.50 for the cheese)

The Fuel Basic is Burger Fuel's take on the classic beef burger, with a 100% pure grass fed beef burger and fresh lettuce, onions, and tomato in a soft bun. The burger was generally good—patty was fresh, veggies were crisp, buns were soft—the only downer was the patty and dressing which were a little too salty. I had mine with cheese, which added up to the saltiness, I guess. And although the burger is huge, I think the price is a bit of a stretch.

BURGER FUELBurgerFuel Menu, Reviews, Photos, Location and Info - Zomato
Food Court, Level 1
Mall of the Emirates
Barsha 1, Dubai
United Arab Emirates
+971 (0)4 354 9691
Nearest Metro Station: Mall of the Emirates (Red Line)

Burger Hood: The Way Burgers Should Be

We got to visit another burger haven in Dubai a few weekends back. Mark got invited by his client, who happens to be the owner of Burger Hood, to try out their specialties, so he tagged me and Cherry along. Yay! :D

Burger Hood was initially opened to serve high-quality gourmet burgers to Abu Dhabi’s community, until it eventually branched out in Dubai. And I'm sure glad that they did. :D

Be Burger Obsessed with Gourmet Burger Kitchen

Mark and I found ourselves at the Promenade level of Dubai Marina Mall as we were invited for dinner at Gourmet Burger Kitchen one fine weekend. It was both our first time at the mall and at the restaurant so we were both excited. I read that GBK aimed to change the UK burger scene forever and have taken pride of themselves up to now by serving up a variety of handcrafted burgers, combining 100% prime beef with the freshest ingredients and burger sauces every day, so this dinner was very much anticipated. :p

Gourmet Burger Kitchen, Dubai Marina Mall

Shake Shack in Mall of the Emirates

Mark decided to bring me to Ski Dubai in Mall of the Emirates one fine weekend. Will get into the details of our adventure in my next post. :) Before wandering into the snow, Mark chose to have some snacks first. He has been raving about Shake Shack ever since he first got to try their burgers so I wasn't surprised when his feet and his (always-)hungry stomach led us to this burger joint. And although I know he is on a strict diet as he is preparing for an upcoming competition, it suddenly became his cheat day! Haha!

IMG_3228SmokeShack™ Single - 38.00 AED

IMG_3218SmokeShack™ Double, SmokeShack™ Single, and Cheese Fries

Ordering was a breeze but choosing what to have, well at least for me, was sort of a torture. Everything in the menu seemed to be heavenly! Good thing the staff that attended to us was nice (and patient) enough to deal with our undecided minds. :p

Pre-birthday Dinner at Army Navy

We were supposed to have some ice cream and snacks at the ice cream house in Robinsons Magnolia after our lunch and a little shopping, but we'd still have to endure a long queue so we decided to just dine elsewhere. We decided to leave the mall and dine somewhere that's already near Antipolo so we won't have to worry about braving the traffic anymore.

Mommy and I wanted some burgers so we suggested to dine at Army Navy in Cainta.

I first got to try Army Navy when I was still working in Makati. My first time didn't leave a good impression though because the burger tasted bland and was a bit try. But I enjoyed their Freedom Fries and Libertea on my first try!

Birthday Merienda at Tropical Hut Hamburger

Our initial plan was to just have a little family dinner out during my birthday since Daddy's still not sure if he'd have to go to work. But because Daddy was allowed to be on leave during my birthday, I got to celebrate the whole day of my birthday with my family! Yay!

After having breakfast at home, we started our celebration with thanksgiving at Monasterio de Sta. Clara in Quezon City.

Daddy Cooks: Homemade Hamburgers

Weekends are almost everybody's favorite days of the week. I for one love weekends, especially weekends at home, because I get to be with my whole family. And when the family's all complete, it just means one thing...weekend feast! Courtesy of course of my daddy dear :)

Aside from lunch feasts, we also get to enjoy the products of daddy's cooking prowess during snack time. Just like last Saturday when daddy cooked homemade hamburgers for our snacks. He was actually craving for Jollibee Champ and we were supposed to have a drive-thru. But since daddy doesn't get easily satisfied with fast food, he decided to make his own. Well I guess that's just really how it goes when you know how to cook scrumptious dishes! :p

Here's an easy-to-prepare recipe of my daddy's juicy-licious burger patties that will surely satisfy both your palates and your tummies! :-p~

Lunch Date at Mama Chit's

Since I was absent from the blogosphere for more than a month, I think I owe you guys a more decent post than the previous one, so I thought of delaying my backlogs a little bit and share with you my most recent food trip with my family. :)

After my morning routine (morning run, morning mass, and breakfast) last Monday, I decided to tag along my mom and my brothers, Chino and Jaoey, since I will be running some errands for Mark. We went to Manila to visit Mark's mom and to hand her some stuff from Mark. It was already past lunch time, but since we were all still full from our breakfast, instead of supposedly having lunch at Robinsons Manila, we decided to have it at Mama Chit's in Marikina.

It was actually our second time to check the place out. Our first time wasn't that successful though. It was a Saturday and we weren't able to dine there since the place was packed so we decided to dine elsewhere.

Second Time at Meat Plus Cafe

I have already tried dining at Meat Plus Café with Mark and his family when we got to Subic a couple of years back.

Mark and I got to try this restaurant for the second time when we got back to Subic early this year.  Meat Plus Café is just less than a minute drive from Segara Villas and Suites.  So after an afternoon nap at the hotel, Mark and I decided to have some snacks at Meat Plus.

Meat Plus Cafe

Had a great vacation at Subic with Mark's family. We headed to Subic last Thursday afternoon and got there around half past 6pm. After checking in at the hotel and unloading our stuffs, we headed to the freeport zone to search for a place for dinner.

We wanted to get away with the usual fast food chains so Mark's uncle suggested that we try it out at Meat Plus Cafe. We placed our orders and then took some photos. :)

Mark's mom loves steaks. She actually knew what to order that she didn't even have to look at the menu. She ordered the classic Tenderloin Steak.

Mark's uncle opted for the Spaghetti and Burger meal.

I believe both dishes tasted good since both Mark's mom and uncle seemed to have enjoyed their orders hehe..

I didn't really settle for steak since I'm on a diet (haha!) and knowing how huge the serving could be I thought that I might not be able to finish my plate. But oh well, I think I was the one who got the biggest plate! *blushes* I just love how the steak sauce which was not too salty jived with the tender pork marinated in sweet barbecue sauce.

I just didn't enjoy the rice though. I first thought it was java rice, but it's was more like the Dolmeh, with bell pepper, spices, and onions, but a lot tastier. :)

My dish came with the soup of the day, the Hearty Vegetable soup, as what the waiting staff claimed. But it was more like the usual sopas without the macaroni hehe..
Their mashed potato was what I loved the most (next to Red Coconut's mashed potato of course haha!). It was actually Mark's order hehe..unlike the usual gravy on top of mashed potato, Meat Place's mashed potato was swimming into steak sauce! *drools*

He also got fresh watermelon shake.

Mark's order came last. We were almost done eating when his order was served. Mark's dish was not just healthy but sumptuous as well. The generous serving of pink salmon grilled to perfection was made more delectable with the sauce which consist of the steak sauce, olive oil, and pineapple salsa. I guess good things really come to those who wait! :)

We all enjoyed the dinner. We had a few chit chat before heading to the Go Kart track. :)

Bldg. 6 Sampson Rd., Subic
Olongapo City, Zambales
