Showing posts with label anything goes. Show all posts

Hey, Hey!

Checking in just to say that, yup, I am this blog is still alive! :p I'm just busy working on some personal stuff but I promise to write a new post in the coming days. *fingers crossed*

Here I am, dancing all the stress away! Haha!

Open House Garage Sale at Mankhool Area in Dubai

Proceeds will be used for a medical mission and feeding program for the less fortunate kids and folks in La Union, Philippines.

Forgive and Forget

I don't want to sound like an all-knowing and self-righteous girl, but the teachings in today's readings (TV mass) are definitely worth reflecting on so I decided to share.

forgive-definitionPhoto taken from Google Images

It's basically about forgiveness--asking for forgiveness to those we've wronged and forgiving those who have wronged us.

Sunday Mass and Tour Around UST :)

When Mark was still here in the Philippines, whenever we're together on Sundays, we make sure to spend time with the Lord and hear Sunday mass.

But being in a Muslim country and having only Fridays as their day of rest, Mark admittedly has not been able to do his Sunday obligations in Abu Dhabi as often as when he was still back home.

So I was very glad when Mark did what he had to do on the first Sunday after he came home. :)

Time's Up!

I'm back! Oh yes! And I'm back for good. :)

Been away from the blogosphere for almost a month (and I'm so sorry for that) because I had to spend my time with Mark. Yup! He went back home last March 13 for a month-long vacation. Remember my previous post on how I miss him so much?

IMG_4765Our last photo together before Mark left for Abu Dhabi
May 2013

After almost a year of being apart, we were finally back in each others arms. Yay!

Good Job, Jaoey!

Got to witness another feel-good and "proud Ate" moment last Saturday. My baby brother, Jaoey, received recognition for being the #1 Best in Math among the whole batch of Grade 5 students in their school! Yay! :D

All of us in the family actually got giddy when Jaoey announced the news! I even joked on going up the stage with him with some tarps and banners and Daddy also said about contacting some media men to cover the event. Hahaha! Yup, we were all that excited for Jaoey's accomplishment. :)

Mommy's Masterpiece

Now that Halloween's over, it's time to get started and prepare for Christmas. While the rest of the households still have some skeletons, witches, bats, and jack-o'-lanterns hanging in their walls and backyards, ours already have garlands, ribbons, metallic balls, poinsettias, and sparkling lights. Yup, in as early as October, our home is already geared up and ready for the Christmas season, and for my daddy's birthday of course!

We celebrate daddy's birthday either on the day of his birthday (October 30) or the day after (October 31), and we don't really celebrate Halloween in our household, so mommy starts to decorate the house in as early as the 3rd week of October.

Hey There!

After having been missing from the blogosphere for more than a month now, here I am, finally able to write a (sorry for the not-so-decent) blog post! Haha!

I'm really sorry for not being able to update my blog for the past few weeks. Was down with Chikungunya for a couple of weeks just last month. Was bedridden most of the time because of high fever and muscle and joint pains, but thank goodness it was not Dengue, and I was able to recover from it. Also had a bad cough and fever the week after. :( I'm already feeling a lot better now, but I'm still nursing this cough up until now.

Also got busy with some orders for KC kupcakes, but the real culprit of my being MIA for more than a month was our internet provider! Our landline and internet connections got busted last August during typhoon Maring. Our connections finally got restored just this week, after millions of email and twitter complaints and follow ups. Oh I'm sure tonight will not be enough if I'll rant about how disappointed we were with our service provider. Our connections are working well now anyway and that's what's more important. :)

And now that everything's back to normal, aside from the cough that I'm still nursing, I hope I can get to update this blog more often for all of you. :)

Well I guess that's all for now. I just really want to let you guys know that, yes, I am still alive! Haha! Good night sweeties! :)
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To Eileen and to all my Dear Readers, Thank You!!!

I may not have everything in the world, but good things have always been coming my way in almost every aspect of my life, including this blog, and with that I am very happy, blessed, and thankful!

Just last Monday, I got this porcelain pen and bookmark set in the mail, from another sweet reader, all the way from China! Thank you, Eileen!

I also just checked and saw that we are getting more "likes" in our Facebook page. Sweet Nothings is inching its way to 400 "likes"!

To Joana and to all my Dear Readers, Thank You!!!

I started this blog 4 years ago with the thought of just wanting to share about my life, my family, my love, my food trips, my collections, my adventures, and all sweet nothings about me.

I didn't care if no one gets to read my posts and I never really expected this blog to reach people aside from my family, Mark, and a few friends. So having a reader send me some gifts really made my day!

IMG_3814Moonleaf 2013 Planner, Moonleaf GCs, Pens, and a Sweet Note :) 

Got these lovely gifts in the mail today! Thank you very much, Joana! I actually got an email from her, who chanced upon my blog. They have a newly-opened Moonleaf Tea Shop in Ortigas Home Depot in Pasig, and she said that she wanted to send me some gifts. And just this morning, the parcel arrived! :)

Annoyingly Sweet!

Saw this this draft post on my folder while I was organizing the files in my pc. I originally posted this one on my Friendster page, but since I already had my account disabled, I decided to post it here. This suddenly brought me back to the times when Mark and I were just starting out as a couple. :p

Girls love surprises, right?! Especially when it's from the one they love. A box of chocolates secretly placed in her locker, a sweet "Thank you!" note slipped inside a book that was borrowed from her, a dozen red roses delivered at her office on her birthday with a note that says 'Happy Birthday Honey! I love you!' --these are just a few of the common surprises that guys do (or should i say, girls want guys to do! haha!), which never fail to give kilig moments to girls (believe me! ;p)...and well, yeah..sweet enough to win our hearts! *wink*

But as I was looking back, going through some old stuff, and thinking about these surprises, I have to say that when it comes to guys surprising girls, nothing still compares to my guy's style! ;p

I remembered one time when Mark and I were having merienda with some of my college girl friends while waiting for our next class. While we were eating and having some chit chat, Mark asked for a paper so I gave him one. My friends and I were busy talking about girly stuff while Mark was busy doing something with the paper that I gave.

Just as when we were about to leave for the next class, Mark handed me this...

...a piece of paper folded into small parts, while saying "o sayo na lang..basahin mo.."

Digital Masterpieces of a 5th Grader

In a previous post, I already expressed how I really love drawing and sketching ever since I was a kid. And how I was able to draw in MS Paint, during my elementary years, even before stylus pens and digital drawing tablets were ever created.

Maybe most of you were thinking that I was just making up stories, but now I finally got proofs! :D Thanks to my mom, she was able to keep the hard copy of my digital masterpieces haha!

Copied and sketched this Betty Boop image from a stationery design. :) As a kid, I was fascinated by Betty's sexy body and wished to have curves like hers too haha!

drawing_betty boopBetty Boop

Also from a stationery, I got this Winnie the Pooh image. Yup I have a lot of different stationery designs. This was when I wasn't into Hello Kitties yet. :p

drawing_poohWinnie the Pooh

My dad always says that I have a good photographic memory. And these next ones are another proof. :p I did these without something to copy from.

This is one of my favorite cartoon characters when I was growing up. I remember wanting to finish my dinner immediately just to catch The Little Lulu Show in HBO. :p

drawing_lulu and amyLulu and Amy

I also got fascinated with these cute Japanese furry balls. I always go home immediately after school just to watch Mojacko. And of course, there's no arguing who among the three I love the most. Mojari's just sooooo adorable! :D

drawing_mojackoMojaru, Mojacko, and Mojari

Can you remember who this cartoon character is?


I'm sure you don't because I just made this one up haha! As a kid, it was how I envisioned what a businessman looked like hahaha! :p

Nice masterpieces huh?! Not bad for a 5th grader right? :p I also remember ending up sketching when I'm bored. Oh how I miss drawing! Hmmmm...maybe I should focus on my artistic side and pursue a different career?! Hahahah! :p


Happy 400 Years UST!!! Viva Santo Tomas!!!

Today marks the 400th year of my (and my parents') Alma Mater. The week long celebration started last Saturday, January 22, with an alumni homecoming for each college organized by the Alumni. There were also different events like parades and fairs over the week, yesterday was the UST Quadricentennial Countdown, and today is the Quadricentennial Thanksgiving Mass and Grand Alumni Homecoming.

My parents and I, who are all from the UST College of Engineering, attended the UST@400 Eng'gahling (Engineering Grand Alumni Homecoming).
View eng'gahling
Mom and I, Proud Tomasinos!

Too bad I wasn't able to come to the rest of the events. :( I was stuck at home last night because of headache and clogged nose and I wasn't able to attend the UST Quadricentennial Countdown, so I just settled for live video streaming.

All the students and alumni seemed to be enjoying the event. There were bands and different performances. My favorite part was when the UST Hymn was sung and of course, everyone's much awaited part was the fireworks display.

The UST hymn and the pyromusical gave me goosebumps! They were just so beautiful! Here's a video of the UST Quadricentennial Countdown fireworks display. :)

I also love the UST Quadricentennial Song. I just feel so proud to be a Tomasino!

Happy 400 years UST! 400 years of Unending Grace!

Viva Santo Tomas!!!

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Have a Heart! Help save Lysander's!

Want to have these items?

Travel-friendly Garnier To-Go Kit (shampoo, conditioner, towelettes and hair spray)
Revlon Illuminance Crème Shadow
Revlon Super Lustrous Lipstick (Pink Pout Shade)
Maybelline Mineral Power Concealer
Chapstick (Strawberry)
Neutrogena Oil-Free Eye Make-up Remover
Bath and Body Works Cherry Blossom Fragrance Mist

Have a heart! Help save Lysander's! Bid now!

My friend Jerellt of Je's Anatomy has put up an auction for a good cause -- to help save Lysander's heart.

DSC04555Have a Heart! Help save Lysander's!

Lysander has a congenital heart disease and his parents need to raise ONE MILLION PESOS for his medical bills and for his open heart surgery on January 2011. Please visit WE LOVE LYSANDER blog to know more details.

To all my friends and readers, have a heart! Help save Lysander's!

Click HERE to join the auction.

Got an even bigger heart? Please take some time to visit following links:
Save Lysander's Heart Items
Bracelets for Lysander
We Love Lysander

You may also send in your donations to:
Liwayway G. Cabrera
Account No.: 0920258190
Banco De Oro
Malolos Congreso Branch (Bulacan)

Be sure to e-mail once you've sent in your donations so the family can acknowledge your kind hearts. :)

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Jestine's Artworks

It may be unknown to all, but I really love drawing and sketching ever since I was a kid. I remember being able to draw in MS Paint even before stylus pens were ever created.

I also dream of becoming a world class painter. I have a few painting projects when I was a kid, which unfortunately I wasn't able to continue working on as time went by.

But nevertheless, my love for art didn't really go away. I end up doing some doodles and sketches whenever I get bored. And up to now, I always get fascinated whenever I see paintings. And this also holds true every time I see my cousin's works of art. :)

My cousin, Jestine, a Fine Arts student, really has a passion for art.

The Artist: Jestine John

Whenever he joins painting competitions, his works surely get the recognition. And most of the time, his winning pieces would always end up in the judges' hands. He's that good that his artworks are always being asked for by the judges and some teachers.

He may still be a neophyte artist, but his works are just superb! These are just a few of my cousin's creations which I soooooo LOVE! :)

This next one's my most favorite! :)

And another favorite, this one's the newest addition to Jestine's masterpieces, which now found its place on the wall in Mark's house. :)

Melting Mark :p

Good job Jestine!!! Keep it up!!!

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Sweet Blog Award

I wasn't able to blog for weeks! Ugh! I have just whined about the many backlog stories that I still need to write about (in my previous post) and then days later, off goes our internet connection! :| Thank God it has now been restored (after millions of follow-up reports to PLDT!).

Let me shed off the backlog list by giving my warmest gratitude to Ms. Ria of Ria's World. She gave me my first ever blog award, the Sweet Blog Award. :)

I only know of a very few who are avid readers of my blog. And it always makes me happy whenever people give me nice comments about my posts. But receiving a blog award was just so unexpected for me..and very heartwarming. :)

Let me share this award to some sweet bloggers. :) I chose them because I personally love reading their blogs. They are constantly dropping by my blog too. :)

Jerellt of Je's Anatomy
Enchie of Sweet Nothings


Rules for This Award:
1. Pass it to 10 sweet people
2. Inform them about this award
3. LINK BACK to the ONE WHO GAVE you the award

Happy blogging! 'til my next (backlog) post! Haha! ;p

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Mark's Shining Moment at Eat Bulaga!

Last Tuesday, May 25, marked the start of Mark's stardom. Haha! He was one of the contestants of Eat Bulaga's Sa Pula Sa Puti Kontrapelo game.

It was my mom who actually informed me about the game. She sent me a message last Monday afternoon insisting that I let Mark join the auditions for the said show. The show needed bodybuilders for their segment and Mark was the first person that came into my mom's mind when she heard of the advertisement.

I relayed the message to Mark and I was able to convince him, and before we knew it, he was already there, right at the Broadway Centrum, auditioning for game. :)

It was around 9 in the evening when I got a message from Mark saying that we need to be at the Broadway Centrum the next day at 8:30am. Yes! Mark passed the audition and was chosen as one of the contestants! :D

Tuesday came and we were at the Broadway Centrum just in time. We entered the studio at around 10am. After a few briefing and rehearsals, the show finally began.

Mark's team won over the lady bodybuilders in the elimination round.

Unfortunately, they didn't get the jackpot prize.

After the game, we stayed to finish the show. Here's Mark's photo with Joey De Leon. Good thing we were able to catch him after the game. :)

We really didn't get to have our photos taken with the hosts because they immediately go to the backstage after each segment. Here are some photos of the Eat Bulaga Dabarkads. :)

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