*My digicam is with Mark, and so the following photos were taken using my camera phone. :)*
The family's all complete yesterday--daddy and Gia were on leave, Jaoey was sick and can't go to school, and I was on a work from home shift--so we decided to celebrate Gia's birthday. We had a simple celebration over lunch. Daddy cooked another set of sumptuous dishes which they, including Jeff, feasted on.
Daddy asked me what I wanted to have for lunch and I immediately answered Crispy Pata! I don't really crave for it, do I? Haha! Oh how I wish I could really eat these. :p
Daddy also cooked chopseuy which is always a perfect pair for fried dishes. Also good in balancing out the cholesterol from the crispy pata. :p
We also had fried chicken and spaghetti, plus fruit salad for dessert.
And of course, birthdays won't be complete without cakes! And so daddy bought a Double Dutch Cake from Goldilock's.
Part of my treatment for my PCOS requires me to eat only those that are in my meal plan, so while my family feasted over lunch, I was munching on these. :p
And again, we all had fun and enjoyed our lunch feast. Special thanks to my dad for all the delicious food! :D
Dubai Personal Trainer
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