The Importance of Being Happy in Your Work

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Most of us have to work and our jobs take up a large part of our day. If you are pursuing a career in a particular field, you’ll be working very hard to reach your goals and probably taking your job home with you to a certain degree. If your job is just a way to earn a living, you’ll be working hard but leaving the job behind you when you clock out. In either case, you may be happy and fulfilled, which is what you would want, or may be unsatisfied, which no one wants; so what can you do to make sure you stay happy at work?

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The Right Job

It’s not always possible to have the perfect job–the one you really want that would ensure your personal fulfillment. Sometimes you have to take whatever you can get, either because of your circumstances or because the job market is overcrowded.

If you do find you’re in a job that you are having to do rather than wanting to do, you can still be taking measures to prepare for when a suitable opportunity arises. Studying for further qualifications is always a rewarding endeavour, and if you get good results, you will have some impressive additions to your resume. It might be that you don’t know what would make you happy, but it’s better to be actively trying to find out than just trudging on in a job you dislike.

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Having Problems at Work
There are occasions when the job becomes a struggle, or personal problems start to impact on your work performance. It may be that you are having trouble with co-workers or a supervisor, or you are finding it hard to get your work done because you don’t have the right equipment, training, or skills.

Your first course of action is to communicate your difficulties with the people concerned, and hopefully, any problems like this can be addressed and resolved. Sometimes you might find you can’t resolve a problem for a variety of reasons, for example, you and your supervisor are never going to see eye to eye.

If you are having serious issues in your job, you should seek legal advice on how to proceed, to make sure your rights are not being violated. There are several different types of severance, and if this is an option, make sure you are being treated fairly. For more serious disputes or cases of unfair dismissal, a tribunal may have to be called. The option of negotiating settlement agreements is preferable to lengthy arguments, and court room battles so can be a sensible option.

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Having a job you enjoy, that absorbs you and rewards you, is the holy grail of employment. It’s more than possible, and if you find yourself feeling dissatisfied or unhappy in your work, you need to take action to resolve the situation. Such a big part of your life is devoted to your work and finding something you enjoy will bring you a great deal of happiness, so don’t settle for less, make change happen for the better.

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