How to Achieve the Perfect Work, Family, and Education Balance

Learning doesn't have to stop once you graduate with a degree. Life is a continuous learning process. I, for one, still have a lot of things to learn especially in the IT field. I've been thinking of going back to school or taking online courses and certifications to enhance my IT knowledge and skills. But more often than not, I sometimes brush away the idea of getting back to school thinking that I might not be able to juggle it with my already busy daily life.

But I also realized that even though you have a family and you are working, it doesn’t mean that you have to give up your education. Many people manage to pursue their learning endeavors while still keeping everything else in balance. It takes a lot of organization and work to make it work, but the benefits are not only a happy you, but also a happy family. Here are some of the best tips to help you juggle your commitments.
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Use Your Calendar
It is important to start as you mean to continue. If you don’t get organized from the beginning, you will struggle to keep up with the demands on your time. You may have enrolled on an online course with an institution such as, in which case you will be able to note the events, classes, and studying you need to do. It will enable you to feel control over your studying, rather than your studies controlling you, and allow you to schedule breaks and activities with your loved ones.

Plan Your Future Academic Classes
Once you have considered your current employment workload and family commitments, you will be in a better position to think about your learning schedule. You need to make sure that you are not expecting too much of yourself, and trying to fit too much in; it takes time to adjust into a new way of learning, so give yourself the opportunity to get into your rhythm. Only take on work that you can effectively do that gives you time to rest as well. It is also important to let your family be aware of your studying timetable so that they can plan things around it.

Set Expectations and Ask Family for Help
Despite all your careful planning, there will be times when things will clash with each other. Sit down with your family and discuss what to do if such a clash occurs. They will be far happier if they know in advance what the situation will be. You can also ask for their help to make things easier for you and to try and deal with clashes in your schedule. By working together, you will be able to come up with a good plan of action.

Make Time for Yourself
Apart from everyone else in your life, you also have to make some time for you. If you are constantly rushing from one place to the other, you will soon be exhausted and unable to concentrate. Try taking some time out to do something you love, such as walking, painting, or another hobby. By making a few minutes every other day or so, you can unwind and relax from the busy week. You should also put this time on your calendar so that you don’t forget to take it.

There is no reason why you cannot effectively manage study with work and home life. If you can manage to be organized and inform every one of your intentions from the beginning, you can balance all your commitments effectively and still do the things you love as well.

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