Food Friday #27: Three Cheese Garden Veggie Pizza

Three Cheese Garden Veggie Pizza -

Today's Food Friday feature is Three Cheese Garden Veggie Pizza by Camille of Growing Up Gabel. Pizza is one of my favorite comfort foods. I prefer the meaty ones with tomato sauce, but every once in a while I'd also go for three-cheese or veggie pizza. But I can't remember having three-cheese and veggies altogether.

Camille's recipe uses super simple ingredients that are fresh all summer long–zucchini, garlic and tomatoes–plus some squash and mushrooms.

Three Cheese Garden Veggie Pizza -

But of course you can add your preferred veggies. I think mine will also have onions, bell peppers, and some tomato sauce! Yum! She also cooked it in a grill instead of the usual oven. Go check out the recipe HERE.

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