Food Friday #25: Peanut Butter and Banana Yogurt Pops

Peanut Butter and Banana Yogurt Pops Recipe -

Hey there! So sorry being MIA last Friday. It was a long weekend then which calls for a staycation! I intentionally didn't bring my laptop with me as I wanted to do enjoy the moment. Well, fine, I had my phone with me but just for some quick social media updates. :p If you've been following me on Instagram (wait, what? You're still not? It's okay, you can still follow me now. Haha!), you've probably seen my stories and posts about it. It was a ball of a time and I can't wait to share it here on the blog!

For now, let's get back to 'regular programming'. :p  Today's Food Friday feature is Peanut Butter and Banana Yogurt Pops by Brandie of Home Cooking Memories. Peanut butter and banana is one of my favorite combos. Mark and I love it on toasts! Frozen yogurt has also been my favorite alternative for ice cream. Still the same old 'ice cream goodness' but at least a little less the guilt. :p

Peanut Butter and Banana Yogurt Pops Recipe -

Brandies's recipe combines the best of both worlds. It's healthy, easy-to-make, and only requires 4 simple ingredients! Perfect for summer and an even healthier way for some 'ice cream pops' fix! Go check out the recipe HERE.

It's Friday! Let's party! If you've got some great food finds, new restaurant discoveries, cool recipes, drool-worthy food photos, or any food-related posts, you're in! Come on and join the party! Here are the link up rules:
  • * All posts should be food related (If you've got some great food finds, new restaurant discoveries, cool recipes, drool-worthy food photos, or any food-related posts, you're in!) and you can link up to as many posts as you wish! Just make sure you haven't added it in our link ups previously.
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