First Time in 13 Years

I'm sure by now your feeds have already been flooded with a lot of pictures of flowers, and here I am, even making a blog post out of it! Haha! I don't intend to annoy you. I just wanna share the story behind the bouquet of roses that I received today. It's probably something new to you.

I have a confession. Mark and I have been together for almost 13 years, but it's the first time today that I received a bouquet from him. Oh, no, don't get me wrong. Mark has been the sweetest. He's been showering me with a lot of gifts for the past years. It's just that, the moment we became together, I initially made myself clear for him not to give me any flowers especially on Valentine's Day.

I love flowers! I really do. But I just can't imagine myself having to walk around with a bouquet. Have you also felt the same? No? Not even once? Yeah, I know. I'm weird like that!

And every single year, I'd make sure to remind him not to get me any flowers. To which he had always obliged. So yeah, every Valentine's day, Mark would give me chocolates, cards, or jewelries; and I'd get giddy all the time. He'd give me anything except flowers. Not even a single rose. Anything that I can easily hide in my bag.  Anything except bouquets.

I did the same routine this year and started reminding him about it even weeks before this month started. I was already expecting that he'd give me chocolates, but when he woke me up at midnight last night, I saw this:

Apart from the chocolates, for the first time in 13 years, he gave me flowers. He gave me a bouquet! I was still half awake and I hid my head under the pillow the moment I got a glimpse of the roses. But I felt the wide smile on my face. I was surprised. I've never felt that giddy before. I was overjoyed. I don't know what finally made Mark to disobey me, but I must admit, I loved it! :D

I can't remember how many times I've held the bouquet and stared at it. I took a lot of photos of it and even shared it with my family. Haha! And just this afternoon when I came home, I immediately held the bouquet and hugged it. Hahaha!

I don't really know what's wrong with me. I still don't see myself being able to carry a bouquet around, but I would definitely love to receive flowers again! Thank you, Mark! I love you! :D

By the way, I also did a little something for him. I made him some homemade healthy Valentine treats!

Happy Valentine's Day!!! How did you spend yours? I hope it was filled with love! Let all our days be a celebration of love!

Love is the little things he does for you. 😊
I love how Mark goes out of his machoness to help out with the chores like washing the dishes, doing the laundry, and cleaning the house. Yup, he does them all, and I totally adore him for that! 😍😍😍


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