Food Friday Link Up Party!

Happy New Year! I hope you had a blast on NYE and I wish you have a blessed and prosperous year ahead! To kick-off this year, I decided to host our very first Food Friday link up party!

Well, it's actually not a new thing for me as I've been joining the Food Friday link ups before, which was originally hosted by Maiylah and was eventually taken over by Nicholas.

During times when my mind's creative juices are at their lowest and I can't formulate just even a single sentence, instead of forcing myself to write, what I do is I hop on blogs or brainstorm ideas with some low cost SEO services providers. I enjoy reading other blogs as much as I enjoy drooling over their yummy food photos. I'd just usually search for food blogs on Google, until Food Friday came in handy.
It's just recently when I remembered about it and thought of joining the link up again, unfortunately, neither of them were hosting it anymore. That was when I decided to continue the party and host it here on my blog. Don't worry, I got Maiylah's and Nicholas' approvals, so we're all good! :D

I'm sure we all need inspiration from time to time, be it a good advise, a good read, and more so, a good recipe or a good food find! And hopefully our new Food Friday link ups will help! And of course, everyone is welcome to play along!

Now let's head down to the nitty gritty! Here are the blogging link up rules:

  • * All posts should be food related (If you've got some great food finds, new restaurant discoveries, cool recipes, drool-worthy food photos, or any food-related posts, you're in!) and you can link up to as many posts as you wish! Just make sure you haven't added it in our link ups previously.

  • * Please don’t party and run! Have fun posting and visiting other bloggers! Visit and leave a comment for at least two other posts for each you share. It really doesn’t take that much time. Let's all share the love! ♥

That's it. Easy peasy!

To grab the button and link, just click then copy and paste the text (inside the box) below:

Select all code above, copy it, and paste it inside your blog post as HTML.

Please do not leave your post links here, instead, leave your links on the latest Food Friday post, which will be up every Friday at 12:05AM GMT+4.  Your actual blog post doesn't necessarily have to be on a Friday, you can post it in your most convenient time as the link up will run the whole week, until Thursday at 06:00PM GMT+4.

I've also added this post in the menu above (see Food Friday), so you can get back to the instructions and the badge, and even see the latest Food Friday posts. :)

By linking up you are giving Sweet Nothings permission to use your posts as future features on the blog. Thanks a bunch! :D

Also, don’t forget to leave a comment below – If your post is featured next week, it also gets shared on our social media pages.

If you enjoy a post and want to share it on social media, don’t forget to tag @sweetnothings.kriskamarie (on Facebook) or @kriskamarie (on Twitter or Instagram) or include #SweetNothingsFoodFriday for a retweet or a repost!

See you every Friday! :D

Check out our latest Food Friday post HERE! :D

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