5 Cheap Fitness Tips for Busy Students

Staying in shape when you are working flat out studying for an MSN to DNP online is no easy feat. You probably have zero time to visit the gym or take a yoga class. Instead, all of your free time is spent attending classes at Bradley University or working hard on your nurse practitioner doctorate degree. To help you stay fit and avoid piling on the pounds, here are some quick and easy ways to keep in shape while you study.

Walk or Cycle Everywhere

It may be tempting to catch the bus to campus, or drive, if you have a car, but neither of these two transport strategies will help you stay fit. Instead of taking the easy option, walk or cycle instead.


Walking everywhere will burn off lots of calories, particularly if you live in a hilly area. Cycling is also an effective form of exercise. Look for a second-hand bicycle with a basket or panniers, so you have somewhere to put your books and computer when you head to college.

Copenhagen Bikehaven by Mellbin - Bike Cycle Bicycle - 2014 - 0239

Go for a Run

Running is the cheapest – and most effective – way to get fit. You don’t need any special equipment to go for a run, aside from a decent pair of running shoes. Running is not easy if you start from a place of zero fitness, but as long as you don’t try to do too much, too quickly, you should see considerable improvements in a very short space of time.

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Invest in a Fitness DVD

Fitness DVDs by celebrities and celebrity trainers are always popular. Working out at home with a fitness DVD to get you motivated is a fun way to tone up, drop the excess weight, and see results quickly. You can pick up a fitness DVD for next to nothing at your local store, so look for one that features your favorite star. Invite your friends around for a post-study fitness workout and make an evening of it, but don’t give into temptation and order a pizza after the workout, or your hard work will soon be undone.

Work Out at Home

With exams to study for and assignments to write, you likely won’t have much free time to work out and relax. Working out at home is a good way of hitting two birds with one stone. Look for a second-hand treadmill or stationery bicycle trainer, place it in front of the television, and work out while you catch up on your favorite Netflix shows.


Join the College Gym

All colleges have on-campus gyms, so join yours. Gym membership will be heavily subsidized, so it won’t cost you much to join. You can work out before or after classes, which will be time efficient. Working out first thing in the morning will also improve your concentration levels in class, which has to be a good thing, right?

Make an effort to stay fit while you are at college and your education will benefit, as will your health and wellness.

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