Nutridiet Quick Weight Loss: Yay or Nay?

My 52-kg self suddenly vanished ever since I was diagnosed with PCOS a few years back. Since then, I'd been struggling to get back to my old weight. I must admit that I was at the peak of giving in to all the fad diets which promise quick weight loss, but Mark would always talk me out of the idea.

So when I got an email from Nutridiet wanting me to try their products out, although I was excited, I was more of hesitant as Mark might not allow me. I showed him the site without expecting a positive response, but I was more than delighted when he gave me the go signal! He just made it clear that I only get their Moderate Weight Loss Program. :p

Nutridiet is Sweden’s top brand of weight loss shakes, which has also now become the most sold meal replacement product in the UAE. Nutridiet is a soy protein based weight loss diet. It contains the nutrients your body needs but has a low amount of calories. One serving is only about 110 calories.

Nutridiet’s Moderate Weight Loss Program is what I opted for. It is supposedly tailored for those who wish to reduce weight at a steadier pace. On this program, you will have to replace 2 meals per day with 3 Nutridiet shakes or soups. Which of your 2 meals you replace is totally up to your preference. It is recommended to stay on this program for about 4 weeks and for this, you will need 3 shakes per day for 30 days (90 shakes), that is 6 boxes of Nutridiet.

I got a box each of their 4 flavored shakes and 2 flavored soups, with each box having 15 sachets. For breakfast I would either have their Chicken or Vegetable soup. The soup consistency is okay although I find it a little grainy. It's recommended to have the soup in 200ml of water, but I like it mine with more water. I also choose vegetable over chicken, as the latter tends to be a little too salty for me.

Nutridiet Chicken Soup

I would then have a medium-sized apple or banana for morning snacks, then a complete balanced meal for lunch which would usually consist of protein (grilled chicken, beef, or boiled eggs), carbs (1/2 cup rice or 2 pcs wheat bread), and a medium serving of fresh fruit (apple, melons, or banana).

I'd then make myself some Nutridiet shake for afternoon snacks and another one for dinner, then I would usually have a small serving of yogurt or apple when I get hungry at night. The shakes come if four flavors: Forest FruitVanillaChocolate, and Strawberry. Just like the soups, the shakes are also easy to prepare. You'll just need to pour the contents of the sachet in 200ml water, shake it well, then drink it immediately. It's best to have it with ice cold water. All four flavors actually taste good, but the chocolate and strawberry flavors are my favorites!

Nutridiet Nutridiet
Nutridiet Forest Fruit Shake and Nutridiet Vanilla Shake

The first three days of the program was really hard. Hunger pangs were my worst enemy, which I'd defeat with a glass or two of water. :p Eventually, I got the hang of it and my hunger cravings were reduced. Aside from the strict diet, I'd go for a walk or a quick run at night too. I was on the program strictly but only for a week and a half.

Although I don't usually get hungry at night, the cravings were at its peak during the day especially when my mind is in full use or when I do some rounds of running. I also have GERD, so acid reflux attacks kick in once in a while during the diet plan.

Nutridiet Nutridiet
Nutridiet Chocolate Shake and Nutridiet Strawberry Shake

I have most of the boxes still full, and I just only replace 1 of my meals (usually dinner) with either a shake or a soup now. Although Nutridiet wasn't successful in helping me get back to my old weight, it was able to help me in terms of my water intake. I tend to forget to drink water regularly, but I was able to do it when I was on the Nutridiet program. I also noticed how my bowel movement became normal when I was on the program. I didn't get to my target weight but at least I got to shed off a few pounds. I'd still want to try their Quick Weight Loss Program, though. But maybe when I'm not too busy both mentally and physically.

And so for now, unless I'm willing to go under the knife, (which I won't ever be) I'd just stick to what Mark, a REPs UAE Level 3 Certified Personal Trainer, would always tell me, there's really no easy way to weight loss. Exercise, proper diet, and discipline are always the main ingredients to achieving a healthy body.

For more information about Nutridiet, you can visit their website at

The Nutridiet shakes and soups were sent to me as gifts, but as always, this post is sincerely written and all views and opinions are my own.

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