JustShouts: Shout, Listen, Review, Discover, Connect

Being a blogger, I've come to embrace the fact that my voice also counts, so I always make it a point to give honest and unbiased views and opinions. I always get giddy when I receive messages from my readers saying how they somehow get to "taste" what I ate just by the way I write.

But I must admit that, in as much as I'd love to, I still haven't mastered doing regular updates in this blog, and so this is where social media and local business rating apps and websites come in handy. With that I can just post a quick review about my experience and share photos of what I ate or where I went.

But then again, it also gets tedious and most of the time hinders the actual dining experience as I'd usually have to take note of every single detail of the experience. Plus, I'm still not sure how far my little voice gets heard, especially by the restaurant management for when I didn't really have a good experience.
Good thing JustShouts came into the scene. It's where you can shout, listen, review, discover, and connect with the world around you like never before!

JustShouts is the first ever voice-enabled social media and local business rating app which provides you the ability to express yourself and share your thoughts and opinions to the world with no less than your own voice.

You can rate and review local businesses and send direct voice feedback to business owners. You can also reply to a shout for when you feel like it. And just like any micro-blogging apps and sites, if you're having a good or bad day and you wish to share the happiness or you just need to vent out, you can use JustShouts and "shout" to the world!

You can also "shout" to your friends privately. Yup, shouts to friends can be locked, which means that it can only be heard if friends are within 20 meters of shout location.

I always thought that one's voice is such a powerful force. Hearing even just one word can either make or break your day. It can make your heart skip a beat and give butterflies in your stomach, or it can drag you down to your lowest and hurt you. Maybe that's why they say that word of mouth is the best medium of all. And now, you can also let your voice be heard with JustShouts!


Connect with your friends and let your voice be heard. You can download the app from Apple AppStore or Google Play. You can also find me there and add me up to hear my shouts. My JustShouts handle is kriskamarie. :)

The next time you have that juicy fat burger, that one of a kind adventure, that commendable customer service, any bad experiences, or if you just feel like reaching out to the world, get your phone, open the app, and JustShout(s)! :D

For updates about JustShouts you can visit and like them on Facebook: www.facebook.com/JustShouts, or follow them on Twitter: @just_shouts or Instagram: @justshouts_app. You can also visit their website at www.justshouts.com.

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