Urgent Appeal for Jonathan Camacho's Spine Operation

Hello everyone! I'm Mark Eugene. I'd like to ask for your kind help and generosity for my friend and colleague in bodybuilding, Jonathan Camacho.

Jonathan is a dear friend, a loving husband, and bread-winner and a father of a 2-yr old son and a month-old daughter. He is a renowned bodybuilder and has just recently won a title in a bodybuilding competition in the Philippines.

He was recently diagnosed with Cauda Equina Syndrome, a rare disorder which affects a bundle of nerve roots called cauda equina (Latin for horse's tail). He now no longer has control of his bladder and bowel and he is unable to walk.

You may send in your donations via credit card and debit card in GoFundMe by clicking this link: http://www.gofundme.com/jonathancamacho
You may also donate via Paypal to account: kyuti_huge@yahoo.com.

He needs to undergo MRI (which roughly costs $500) and is in need of immediate operation in the spine (which will cost around $1500), and other medical expenses and hospital bills.

He has been supporting his family as a fitness instructor and bodybuilder, but he now needs all our prayers and financial assistance to win this new battle. I am asking for your prayers and utmost generosity. Please also share this to your friends so we can get more help.

Update as of August 31, 2015

Jonathan's MRI results are NEGATIVE for Cauda Equina. Thank you for your prayers and donations! However, the initial diagnosis is Guilain Barre Syndrome. Jonathan needs to undergo another round of MRI and a series of fluid tests, and more financial assistance and prayers are needed.

Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) is a rare disorder in which a person’s own immune system damages their nerve cells, causing muscle weakness and sometimes paralysis. It often follows infection with a virus or bacteria. Most people recover fully from GBS, but some people have permanent nerve damage. In the United States, an estimated 3,000 to 6,000 people develop GBS each year, whether or not they received a vaccination.~ source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

You may send in your donations via credit card and debit card
in GoFundMe by clicking the link below:

You may also donate via Paypal to account: kyuti_huge@yahoo.com.

Let us all become good Samaritans and angels for Jonathan. Thank you very much and may the Lord reward you for your kind hearts!
      @MarkEugene85 @MarkEugene85  @markeugenesantos @markeugenesantos
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