365 Blessed Days in Dubai

Today marks my 365th day in Dubai. Wait, what?! It's been a year already? Oh how time flies!

People may see me as someone who can do almost anything, most of the time even without someone having to teach me--cook, bake, sing, dance, blog, paint, draw, name it, and for sure I'll excel in all of it. But only the closest to me knows how big of a coward I am when it comes to being all on my own.

Dubai Miracle Garden - February 2015

You see, I'd never been independent until after 28 years. Although getting and having almost everything my way is something that I love, little did I know that it would also be something that I'd dread. I can still vividly recall how nervous I was on noon this day a year ago, knowing that I'd have to live all by myself in a country where I know nothing about. Getting past the immigration officers really made me cry. A part of me was happy but most of me was sad, no, make it scared, knowing that I'd really have to leave and be all on my own.

Jumeirah Beach, Burj Al Arab - November 2014

The first few days were the hardest. Mark had to leave for Abu Dhabi the very next day after I arrived. I haven't been in Dubai for even 24 hours and he just had to leave me all by myself.

There were times when I'm all happily cooking, but tears would suddenly fall when I'm about to eat, all alone. There were times when I'd prick myself trying to sew a detached button on my shirt. There were times when I'd get bruised trying to change the water from the dispenser. There were times when I'd get swollen arms and shoulders trying to carry all the grocery bags. There were times when I'd have to take care of my sick self. There were times when I'd just curl up in bed for almost the whole day and cry myself to sleep.

With my girl friend, Cat, at Jumeirah Beach - November 2014

I got the hang of it as the weeks passed, and all of that I got to endure of course with the help of my loved ones, Mark especially. I'm also still very thankful that even though I'm already far from my parents, they never let me feel alone. Thank you, Daddy and Mommy, for everything, you know what I mean. :)

Not all of the days were happy, I tell you. There were days when we'd struggle, to the point that I'd give up, but Mark would always be there to push me even harder. Thank you, Mark, for standing by me no matter what.

Jumeirah Beach - November 2014

Now I can say that I've fully grown, size- and weight-wise! Haha! But kidding aside, the past year has really helped me grow a lot. Mark can attest to how I've grown emotionally. I'm still my Daddy's baby girl, but a lot tougher. I'm still that quiet and timid type, but a lot wiser.

And although not all 365 days were happy, I consider all of them as blessed days as I got to learn a lot from each and every single experience. I also thank the Lord for all the wonderful adventures, learning, discoveries, friends, and food trips for the past year.

Dubai Miracle Garden - February 2015

Although there's still one thing that I don't think I'd get used to, well yeah, I must admit that I still cry every after my Skype sessions with my family, I'm proud to say that I'm no longer the bratty what-Kriska-wants-Kriska-gets type. I'm now the what-Kriska-wants-Kriska-has-to-work-hard-for type and definitely more of the what-God-wills-Kriska-does type. :)

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