Arab Mothers Lead the Way in Understanding the Significance Bath Time has on Baby's Development


Launch of new JOHNSON’S® campaign highlights scientific importance of bath time in child development

The JOHNSON’S® Global Bath Time Report, found that while 84% of parents say bath time is some of the best quality time they get with their child, many underestimate its power and benefits.

The report, an online survey of more than 3,500 parents of young children around the world, conducted by Harris Poll on behalf of the JOHNSON’S® Brand, found less than half of parents (42%) believe bath time to be an extremely important routine in their child’s brain development. Furthermore, the report showed that 93% of Saudi mothers and 97% of UAE mothers see bath time as so much more than just a bath, a significantly higher statistic compared to the global average.

According to a study published in the Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, infants who experienced routine touch and massage (compared to those who did not) were 50% more likely to make eye contact, and three times more likely to have an overall positive expression (smiling, eye contact..etc.).

The research findings suggest that Arab mothers are ahead of the curve when it comes to understanding the significance regular massage has on baby, with 34% of Saudi mothers, and 34 UAE mothers recognising the practice as being extremely important for their child’s brain development, compared to 23% globally and only 13% in the UK.

Arab mothers appear on trend with the facts, with academic research revealing that routine touch and massage by a parent or loving caregiver is critical to baby’s growth and development, communication and learning .

To assist parents in understanding the important role bath time can play, JOHNSON’S® has launched their first ever global campaign, SO MUCH MORE™, highlighting bath time as being so much more than cleansing. It is a ritual allowing parents an opportunity to nurture baby’s ability to learn, think, love and grow by unlocking the full power of baby’s senses. Through the campaign, JOHNSON’S® is advancing research which reveals the importance of multi-sensorial experiences, potentially leading to happy, healthy baby development.

Dr. Zainab A. Malik, a consultant pediatrician said: “Arab mothers enjoy the quality time they spend with their children during bath time. With research identifying 85% of a baby’s brain to be developed by age three, it is important for parents to recognize opportunities, such as bath time, to engage in touch, sight, smell and sound. Moments like these are crucial in helping to shape their baby’s brain[i].”

Georgios Stamatas, J&J Research Associate Director and Fellow, Global Baby Platforms Research & Development, added, “Our legacy is that every JOHNSON’S® product is specially designed with baby in mind and meets our BEST FOR BABY™ standards, which is backed by science. Now we are taking our commitment one step further by showing the power of multi-sensorial experiences in daily rituals such as bath time. Our hope is that through our campaign, parents will see first-hand that there is more to bath time than just cleaning your baby. It’s a time between parent and baby during which every bubble, splash, touch and smell can contribute to baby’s growth and well-being and help create happy memories.”

Studies have also shown that babies bathed with a fragranced bath product displayed 30% more engagement cues with their parent after bath and spent nearly 25% less time crying before sleep compared to those who were not. A study of 58 mother-infant pairs found that infants who followed a bedtime routine, including a warm bath with a fragranced bath product, took 37% less time to fall asleep and had a significant improvement in mood in the morning . 95% of Saudi mothers and 94% of UAE mothers believe fragranced baby products to be an important part of bath time, compared to only 66% globally.

JOHNSON’S® has been pioneering the science and setting global standards in baby skin care for more than 120 years, providing products formulated and designed with baby in mind. As a global healthcare company focused on skin health, JOHNSON’S® has strived to fill critical research gaps by helping to advance 90% of publications and peer-reviewed scientific literature on the understanding of baby skin. Now, JOHNSON’S® is paving the way by advancing research that reveals the importance of multi-sensorial experiences that can lead to happy, healthy baby development.

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