Happy Father's Day!

It's Father's Day today! And since I've been making cakes for quite some time now, I'm sure you know what gift I gave for my dad today. Yup, I made a cake for him, a beer cake that is! :D

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I made a banana cake because it's my dad's favorite. I made into a mug of beer and made it to look like it's overflowing while beer from the can is being poured haha! :p

And oh, I was also planning to do a blog post for him but I ran out of time since we were mostly out of the house to attend to some family affairs, so I just posted a photo of us with a little note for him on my Facebook page. :p


Growing up, most people (relatives especially) say that I look a lot like my dad. My dad even claims that I'm his "girl version" and had I become a boy I'd definitely be "little Rey".

And well I think they're all right. Yup, my dad and I look alike, think alike, and act alike. But I guess I'm better at controlling my temper more than him haha!

Yes, I may tremble in fear whenever he shouts when he's angry and I may sometimes get pissed at how he always wants things done his way, but I will never ever want to change anything or have it in any other way.

I know he just gets angry because he wants me to realize what I've done wrong because he just wants all the best for me and he wants things done his way because I sometimes tend to suck at decision-making.

And well yes, he may not be perfect but he's just the most awesome dad for me and I simply love him for the way he is!

Happy Father's Day Daddy Rey! I love you very much! Alam mo yan! Oh, eh bakit naluluha ka na? Hahaha! I love you! :-*

My dad just actually called me as I'm writing this post. He saw the note just now haha! :p And he liked it! Yay! I then gave him a kiss and a big hug. I love you Daddy! Thank you for everything! :-*

To all the awesome fathers, single mommies, and those who stand as fathers, Happy Father's Day! :D
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