Time's Up!

I'm back! Oh yes! And I'm back for good. :)

Been away from the blogosphere for almost a month (and I'm so sorry for that) because I had to spend my time with Mark. Yup! He went back home last March 13 for a month-long vacation. Remember my previous post on how I miss him so much?

IMG_4765Our last photo together before Mark left for Abu Dhabi
May 2013

After almost a year of being apart, we were finally back in each others arms. Yay!

IMG_8015Our first photo together after almost a year of being apart :D
March 2014

And so we made sure to make the most out of his stay here in the Philippines. We were definitely happier than ever for the past 30 days. I'm very excited to share with you how we spent our time together. I'm still sorting out our photos because they're a lot! So watch out for my next posts. ;)

IMG_8018So happy to be right next to him once again! ♥

But time's already up, unfortunately. Well yeah, he just had to go back to Abu Dhabi yesterday. 

IMG_9949Last few minutes before he leaves for Abu Dhabi

Seeing him leave still caused me pain, surely, but it wasn't that heart-breaking not like during the very first time that he had to leave.


It was actually bittersweet. Although it's sad that we won't be able to be at each other's sides now, I'm still more than excited to count the days and I'm very much looking forward to the time that we'll see each other again.

IMG_9952"Distance never separates two people who are truly in love."

And well at least I'll finally get to make up for my absence in the blogosphere now that he's back there. Hahaha! :p
kriskamarie   sweetnothings.kriskamarie
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