Good Job, Jaoey!

Got to witness another feel-good and "proud Ate" moment last Saturday. My baby brother, Jaoey, received recognition for being the #1 Best in Math among the whole batch of Grade 5 students in their school! Yay! :D

All of us in the family actually got giddy when Jaoey announced the news! I even joked on going up the stage with him with some tarps and banners and Daddy also said about contacting some media men to cover the event. Hahaha! Yup, we were all that excited for Jaoey's accomplishment. :)

The news got to us a little late though that Mommy and Daddy already had prior appointments. So I was tasked to accompany Jaoey up the stage to receive the award.

I bet all the parents were also too proud and excited for the event that almost all the seats were already occupied when Jaoey and I got to the venue.

It just felt nostalgic to be back in my Alma Mater seeing this very stage where I used to go up to. Yup, modesty aside, I've been a consistent honor student and subject proficiency awardee during my Elementary and High School years. And after almost 12 years, I will be going up once again to receive another award, but for my brother this time. It's just overwhelming. :)

The program started a little late which was a good thing because Mommy and Daddy were still able to follow. I must admit that I still have that stage fright up until now, well I still get intimidated having to face large a group of people, so I was very happy when I saw my parents inching their way to the hall. I immediately told my mom to go up the stage with Jaoey instead so I can take photos of them haha! :p

IMG_7563The Grade 5 students getting ready to be awarded

IMG_7568The Awardees with their Parents

IMG_7565Mommy and Jaoey

IMG_7570Ooops, Mommy and Jaoey are busy talking, they didn't hear that it's time to take a bow! Haha! :p

We were all very happy with our little baby's achievement! He's actually a consistent honor student, #1 I must stress, during his Kinder years and his first three years in Elementary. My mom would usually receive recognition along with him.

IMG_7573Very good, Jaoey (just like Ate! Haha!) :p

But Xbox, iPhone, YouTube, and all those techie stuff got in the way during his later years in school.

IMG_7575 IMG_7576

But I guess boys will be boys and a kid's youth shouldn't be taken away from him, which is why we, Daddy and I (mommy's still strict on him haha!), are just letting him do what he wants, as long as it's not affecting his studies.

He's still getting good grades and he never got any failing marks anyway (they're just not meeting the ceiling mark to be considered an awardee :p) and that's what's more important. :)

IMG_7571Good job, Jaoey! Keep it up! :D
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