Expert Certifications Available in Select EMC Tracks


The pinnacle of IT storage excellence is best proven with an EMC expert certification on your resume. By earning an expert level certification you will verify that you are indeed an expert in your chosen track, possessing advanced skills in a wide variety of job roles, tasks, and activities. Employers value employees and potential employees who have earned an expert certification because of its high standard of excellence in the IT community. Companies view it as a solid measure of competency in certain tracks, and will therefore be able to trust and ensure that an employee will be able to raise the bar in increasing output and upholding company values.

Although expert certifications are not available in all IT tracks, candidates should seriously consider earning one in participating tracks. EMC requires that the associate and specialist level certification be earned before attempting to earn the expert certification. However, this can be seen as a positive thing. The knowledge tested on the expert level exams is advanced and highly specialized to specific and complex tasks. Candidates must first be certified in basic and intermediate skills that serve as the backbone of all expert certifications, which the lower level certifications exceed in doing.

The EMC system can be compared to a ladder – the higher you climb on the ladder, the more success you will obtain. From promotions to pay increases to having a wider variety of jobs available to you, all with more independence, significance, and responsibility attached, the benefits that come with an expert level certification truly set you up for a successful career. Whether advancing your solution skills in a certain technology, enhancing your backup solution skills, or becoming more knowledgeable in areas of expertise like IT-as-a-Service and Network Attached Storage, EMC makes it possible to take your career to new heights.

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