Daddy Cooks: Homemade Hamburgers

Weekends are almost everybody's favorite days of the week. I for one love weekends, especially weekends at home, because I get to be with my whole family. And when the family's all complete, it just means one thing...weekend feast! Courtesy of course of my daddy dear :)

Aside from lunch feasts, we also get to enjoy the products of daddy's cooking prowess during snack time. Just like last Saturday when daddy cooked homemade hamburgers for our snacks. He was actually craving for Jollibee Champ and we were supposed to have a drive-thru. But since daddy doesn't get easily satisfied with fast food, he decided to make his own. Well I guess that's just really how it goes when you know how to cook scrumptious dishes! :p

Here's an easy-to-prepare recipe of my daddy's juicy-licious burger patties that will surely satisfy both your palates and your tummies! :-p~

IMG_2102Homemade Hamburgers


IMG_20741 kilo ground beef
IMG_20802 medium-sized eggs

IMG_20732 medium-sized onions, minced
3 gloves garlic, minced

2 tbsp soy sauce
3 tbsp bread crumbs
salt and pepper to taste

cooking oil for frying

IMG_2075 mayonnaise

hamburger buns

IMG_2087-1 large tomato and half cucumber (cut into thin rounds), and 1 medium-sized onion (cut into rings)

Preparation and Cooking Procedures:

In a clean bowl, combine all patty ingredients (ground beef, onions, garlic, soy sauce, bread crumbs, eggs, salt, and pepper) and mix using your clean hands until well incorporated.

Form the beef mixture into patties of your desired size and thickness. Daddy made 10 huge thick patties out of this recipe. :)

IMG_2082- IMG_2083

In a pan over high heat, add in oil and wait until it becomes hot. Gently put the patties into the hot oil and cook over low heat for around 5-8 minutes. Turn the patty over to cook the other side. Total cooking time would be 12-15 minutes or until the patty somehow forms a crust. Remove patties from heat, drain, and set aside.

Note: You may also choose to have the patties char- or fire-grilled. Cooking time may vary.

Now were ready to assemble the burger. :) Cut each bun in half and spread a teaspoon of mayonnaise. Add in the burger patty and top with lettuce, tomato, cucumber, and onion slices.

Top with the other half bun, serve and enjoy!

You may choose to toast the buns for a tastier treat. Ketchup, cheese, mustard, or any dressing of your choice may also be added in. :)

This is best eaten hot with a glass of ice cold juice or soda and paired with potato wedges or fries! :D


More recipes HERE :)


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