Kriska Cooks: Hotdog Spaghetti

It was actually my baby brother, Jaoey, who first saw this idea on the internet moths back. He was delighted when he showed it to me and made me promise that we'll make some at home. And so one Saturday afternoon, I obliged. :)

I'm not actually sure with the name of this dish, but this is basically just the ordinary spaghetti that most of us grew up with, preparation- and taste-wise, but with an added fun and excitement to it. :D

The spaghetti noodles are stuck into the hotdog chunks, making it look like the noodles are oozing out from the hotdogs. :D


1 kilo Pure Foods Tender Juicy king-sized hotdogs

3 cloves garlic, chopped
1 medium-sized onion, minced
cooking oil, water, salt
175g Del Monte Pasta Italiana (Merienda Pack), 2 packs

250g Del Monte Filipino-Style Spaghetti Sauce, 2 packs

Preparation and Cooking Procedures:

Peel off plastic from the hotdogs, and wash the hotdogs and drain. Cut each hotdog into 4 parts or 1-inch chunks. Sausages or franks may also be used for this dish.

Stick the spaghetti noodles into each hotdog chunk. Around 10-12 noodles will do. 

You may choose to stick the noodles so that it passes through the hotdogs or just stick them into one side just like what we did.

In a casserole, pour in 5 cups of water, add in a dash of salt and 3 tbsp oil, and bring to a boil. Add in the hotdogs with noodles and cook for 10 minutes, or until the hotdogs are cooked. Drain and set aside.

For the sauce, since we already have hotdogs as our main ingredient, we'll just make a simple sauce. Saute garlic in a pan with 3 tbsp oil over medium heat. Add in the onions and cook until it becomes translucent.
Pour in 2 packs of the Del Monte Filipino-Style spaghetti sauce and bring to a boil. Remove from heat and set aside. 

You may also cook the sauce using the recipe HERE.

Lay the hotdog spaghetti on a clean serving plate, pour in the sauce, and top with grated cheese.

Serve and enjoy! :D

The fun and excitement comes in both the preparation of the dish and of course, in the eating part. 

Both kids and the kids at heart will definitely have fun with this dish! :)

Oh, it's my little sister's birthday tomorrow and I'm sure I will be tasked to cook spaghetti. I might as well cook this for her! :D

More recipes HERE :)


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