Kriska Cooks: Filipino-Style Spaghetti

IMG_5424Filipino-Style Spaghetti

Filipino-Style SpaghettiPrint Recipe

by Sweet Nothings | Kriska Marie
Prep Time: 15 minutes
Cook Time: 15 minutes

  • 4 cloves garlic, chopped
  • 2 medium-sized onions, minced
  • 1 medium-sized red bell pepper, minced
  • 1/2 kilo ground pork
  • 1/2 kilo ground beef
  • 250g regular-sized hotdogs, cut into thin slices
  • 2 250ml Nestle All-purpose Cream
  • 1 250g Del Monte Filipino-Style Spaghetti Sauce
  • 1kg Del Monte Spaghetti Pasta Italiana
  • 6 tbsp soy sauce
  • 6 tbsp sugar
  • black ground pepper to taste

1. Cook spaghetti noodles according to package directions. Drain and set aside.
2. Put the ground pork and chicken in a pan, cover, and cook over medium heat.
3. After around 5 minutes, notice that the ground pork and beef will start to have it's own oil. Now were ready to sauté.
4. Put the ground meat on the side of the pan and add in the garlic, cooking it until golden brown.
5. Add in the onions and cook until they become translucent. Then add in the bell pepper and cook for another minute or until it becomes fragrant.
6. Add in the hotdogs and cook and stir for about 3 minutes.
7. Stir the hotdogs and ground meat together and add in the soy sauce. Add pepper to taste. Cover and simmer for about a minute.
8. Add in the all-purpose cream and bring to a boil while stirring.
9. Pour in the tomato sauce and stir making sure that everything is well incorporated.
10. Add in the sugar and stir. You may increase the amount of sugar if you want it a little sweeter. :) Cover and let it simmer for 2-3 minutes. Afterwards, give it a quick stir and then turn off the heat. Now our sauce is ready!
11. For the toasted bread, aside from the usual bread and butter, we can also add in garlic, onions, and cheese for a more delectable treat. Spread butter over the bread slices and top with minced garlic, chopped onions, and cheese cut into cubes. Cook in an oven toaster for 2-3 minutes.
12. Put the pasta in a clean plate, pour in the cooked spaghetti sauce, and top with grated cheese.
13. Serve with the toasts and enjoy!

Hello sweeties! I'm sorry if I wasn't able to update my blog. I had to go back to the doctor almost everyday for the past weeks because I got sick. Well I'm still not in the best of health but at least I'm back now! :)

Since it's the holiday season, food will always be a part of it so here's another recipe post. :p

Aside from birthdays, most of the time, if not always, spaghetti is present in Filipino Christmas feasts. I've learned how to cook spaghetti from my dad and did some experiments on ingredients along the way. I've perfected this recipe through the years which is why whenever spaghetti is present in the menu for our family feast, I am always tasked to cook it.

Tomorrow is Christmas Eve and I'm sure all of you are already preparing for Noche Buena, so I'm sharing with you this simple yet delectable spaghetti recipe that will surely make your Christmas feast a merry one! :)


IMG_53984 cloves garlic, chopped IMG_53962 medium-sized onions, minced

IMG_5400-1/2 kilo ground pork IMG_53991/2 kilo ground beef

IMG_5395250g regular-sized hotdogs, cut into thin slices IMG_53922 250ml Nestle All-purpose Cream

IMG_53911kg Del Monte Filipino-Style Spaghetti Sauce IMG_53901kg Del Monte Spaghetti Pasta Italiana

1 medium-sized red bell pepper, minced

6 tbsp soy sauce
6 tbsp sugar

black ground pepper to taste

Preparation and Cooking Procedures:

Cook spaghetti noodles according to package directions. Drain and set aside.

Put the ground pork and beef in a pan, cover, and cook over medium heat. Yup, you read that right, we'll start with cooking the meat first. :)

As I've said before, traditional cooking includes sautéing the garlic, onions (and ginger) first before adding in the meat, but my dad does it differently. He always cooks the meat first without adding anything, not even oil or water; and then he sautés the garlic and onions using the meat's oil. Cooking the meat this way brings out all its flavors and makes the dish more delectable. :) His technique is what I grew up with and this is what I always do whenever I cook dishes with beef, pork, or chicken.

After around 5 minutes, notice that the ground pork and beef will start to have it's own oil. Now were ready to sauté.

Put the ground meat on the side of the pan and add in the garlic, cooking it until golden brown. I like cooking the garlic well (though not totally burnt) as it adds more flavor to the dish.

Add in the onions and cook until they become translucent. Then add in the bell pepper and cook for another minute or until it becomes fragrant.

Add in the hotdogs and cook and stir for about 3 minutes.

Stir the hotdogs and ground meat together and add in the soy sauce.  Add pepper to taste. Cover and simmer for about a minute.

Add in the all-purpose cream and bring to a boil while stirring.

Pour in the tomato sauce and stir making sure that everything is well incorporated.

Add in the sugar and stir. You may increase the amount of sugar if you want it a little sweeter. :) Cover and let it simmer for 2-3 minutes. Afterwards, give it a quick stir and then turn off the heat.  Now our sauce is ready!

We can set this aside first while we prepare some toasts that are a perfect partner for our spaghetti. :) For the toasted bread, aside from the usual bread and butter, we can also add in garlic, onions, and cheese for a more delectable treat. Special credits to my sister Gia for this. :) Spread butter over the bread slices and top with minced garlic, chopped onions, and cheese cut into cubes. Cook in an oven toaster for 2-3 minutes.

Put the pasta in a clean plate, pour in the cooked spaghetti sauce, and top with grated cheese.

Serve with the toasts and enjoy!


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