Sweet Treats from My Sweets Haven

Being someone with a sweet tooth, having to cut down on your sweets intake is really a struggle especially if you have a friend who loves to bake!

I can still remember how my friend Joie would always have me taste the goodies that she baked. I would always fight the urge to give in even though it's very tempting and would just bring the goodies home to my family instead. Joie already knew of this but she would always still thoughtfully give me some goodies whenever she bakes. I only got to give in and try her baked goodies during her merienda treat on her last day at work earlier this year. She brought some brownies and cassava cake which I both fell in love with on my first try! :D

When I knew that one of my office mates was placing an order of Joie's baked goodies, I immediately placed mine. My dad has also been craving for cassava cakes so I ordered 2 boxes from Joie. :D

Be sure to have strong arms because a box of cassava cake is a bit heavy. :p The sweet smell of the cassava and coconut milk is what will welcome you as soon as you open the box. The cassava cake had just the right amount of sweetness and consistency, unlike other cassava cakes which tend to be too watery or too hard to chew. The cassava cake was also big and thick (thus the heavy weight). I also love it's thick, creamy/milky topping. :D My dad got home from work tired and hungry and a slice of Joie's cassava cake perked him up. My mom also loved it that she brought the other box as her potluck share in their get together the next day. :)

Cassava Cake - Php 200.00 per box

I've already posted before how my family loves brownies and I thought that they would love Joie's brownies as well.

I ordered a box of the Choco Caramel Brownies.  Her brownies were moist and chewy and had the right amount of sweetness. It also had that melt-in-your-mouth hype.  I also loved how she presented her brownies, I like the ones with chocolate-covered top! :D

With the look, taste, and packaging, I can say that Joie's brownies already comes close to that of Brownies Unlimited. If there's something that makes her brownies stand out from the rest, it's the bigger square cuts and the affordable price! :D

Choco Caramel Brownies - Php 200 per box (1 box contains 16 square cuts)

My friend Je gave each of us a pack of Choco Oaties Cookies from My Sweets Haven as presents last Christmas. I can still remember how I tried not to eat even a single piece so that I can share it with my family. I was with Mark then and I had him taste the cookies on our way home. He was loving it that he got another piece, then another piece after, and still another one until there was nothing left for me!

Choco Oaties Cookie - Php 65 per pack (1 pack contains 12 cookies)

I made sure that I get to taste the cookies this time so I ordered 4 packs. I got 2 packs each of the Choco Oaties and Raisin Oaties cookies. Both had the same cookie base and just differs with the main ingredient mixed with it. I'm not sure if it was just because I haven't been eating sweets for quite some time, but I found the cookies a little overly sweet. And yes, even my friend Joie wasn't spared of my "maarteng panlasa". I immediately relayed the comments to her, which she took with an open mind and she even told me that she'll lessen the amount of sugar next time. :p

Raisin Oaties Cookie - Php 65 per pack (1 pack contains 12 cookies)

Nonetheless, just like what happened to Mark when he first got to try the cookies, even if my condition requires me to take it slow on sweets, it seemed that I just can't stop munching on these tasty treats!

Overall, my family enjoyed My Sweets Haven's treats. There are a couple of birthday celebrations in the family this coming October and I already have in mind what to have for dessert. :)  My dad also told me that he will order packs of cookies as giveaways to his office mates this coming Christmas. :)

With less than 3 months to go before Christmas, I'm sure most of you have already started drafting their Christmas list or even started shopping for Christmas gifts. If you still haven't thought of what to give as presents during the holidays, why not give them some sweet treats from My Sweets Haven? :)

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