Happy Birthday Nurse Gia!!! :)

It's Gia's 25th birthday today. And since she's out to celebrate with her boyfriend, Jeff, we already had a pre-bithday celebration with the family yesterday.

*My digicam is with Mark, and so the following photos were taken using my camera phone. :)*

IMG_3115Jeff and the birthday girl :)

The family's all complete yesterday--daddy and Gia were on leave, Jaoey was sick and can't go to school, and I was on a work from home shift--so we decided to celebrate Gia's birthday. We had a simple celebration over lunch. Daddy cooked another set of sumptuous dishes which they, including Jeff, feasted on.
Daddy asked me what I wanted to have for lunch and I immediately answered Crispy Pata! I don't really crave for it, do I? Haha! Oh how I wish I could really eat these. :p

IMG_3103Crispy Pata

Daddy also cooked chopseuy which is always a perfect pair for fried dishes. Also good in balancing out the cholesterol from the crispy pata. :p


We also had fried chicken and spaghetti, plus fruit salad for dessert.

IMG_3119Fried Chicken


IMG_3121Fruit Salad

And of course, birthdays won't be complete without cakes! And so daddy bought a Double Dutch Cake from Goldilock's.

IMG_3120Goldilock's Double Dutch Cake

Part of my treatment for my PCOS requires me to eat only those that are in my meal plan, so while my family feasted over lunch, I was munching on these. :p

Day 13 - lunchMy lunch plate: beef, corn kernels, and lettuce :p

And again, we all had fun and enjoyed our lunch feast. Special thanks to my dad for all the delicious food! :D

IMG_3118Happy birthday Nurse Gia!!! :)

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