Load Up On Proteins...

...that's what the boyfriend told me when I got to talk to him last Friday. :) He said that a veggies-and-fruits diet is ok but a balanced diet is what's always the best. He also added that loading up on proteins will help build muscles which in turn help the body burn fats more easily. Plus proteins also make the skin and hair glow and look healthier. Cool! :p

My dad must have sensed what my 'dietitian' advised, so last Saturday, aside from another round of his sautéed veggies,

Sautéed Tomatoes, Zucchinis, Eggplants, Baguio beans, Carrots, and Onions
in Olive Oil and Oyster Sauce

he also prepared not one but three protein dishes. :p First is the Chicken Afritada, a classic chicken stew with bell pepper and potatoes in tomato sauce, which my dad does uniquely by adding in chicken liver.

Chicken Afritada

This next one's what I missed a lot! It's been years I believe since I last tasted this dish. It's cooked just like how you would cook a Chicken Tinola (minus the papaya or sayote), with clams as the main ingredient of course, plus tomatoes. :)

Clam Soup

And just like the old times, it still never failed to satisfy my palates.

Clam Soup

He also made this fried tilapia. I get to try this very often so I just skipped eating this. :p

Fried Tilapia

Egg whites, tuna, and oats are what the boyfriend suggested that I load up on, but he also said that any chicken, pork, fish, seafood, or beef dish would also be fine. :) And so here's what my healthy lunch plate looked like:

My High-Protein(?) Lunch Plate

Shared at: The Diet Day Blog, Food Trip Friday

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