Going Vegan?

Nah! I don't think I can haha! :p Though my doctor said it would really help if I could, for now I guess I'm already fine with cutting out sweets, fats, and rice from my diet. :)

At first I thought it would be hard for me since I have a dad who cooks luscious dishes and a family who loves to eat. Good thing my mom and dad has been very supportive. :p

My mom always prepares my food for work. She would usually put in fruits, oats, and slices of wheat bread in my lunch box. She also makes sure that we never run out of cucumber because this is what I love to munch at home.

During weekends, my dad still continues to cook mouth-watering dishes for the family, but also never forgets to cook a healthy dish for me. :) Just like last Sunday, he made this veggie dish:

Sautéed Tomatoes, Zucchinis, Eggplants, Baguio beans, and Onions
in Olive Oil and Oyster Sauce

...which made me have a healthy lunch and dinner. Of course a balanced diet is what I need, so I also got my dad's pork adobo, a small piece each, for lunch and for dinner. :p

Healthy Lunch Plate: Mixed Veggies, Pork Liver Adobo, Watermelon, and Mangoes

Healthy Dinner Plate: Mixed Veggies, Boiled Young Potatoes, Pork Adobo, and Cucumber

Shared at: The Diet Day Blog

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