Sweet Blog Award

I wasn't able to blog for weeks! Ugh! I have just whined about the many backlog stories that I still need to write about (in my previous post) and then days later, off goes our internet connection! :| Thank God it has now been restored (after millions of follow-up reports to PLDT!).

Let me shed off the backlog list by giving my warmest gratitude to Ms. Ria of Ria's World. She gave me my first ever blog award, the Sweet Blog Award. :)

I only know of a very few who are avid readers of my blog. And it always makes me happy whenever people give me nice comments about my posts. But receiving a blog award was just so unexpected for me..and very heartwarming. :)

Let me share this award to some sweet bloggers. :) I chose them because I personally love reading their blogs. They are constantly dropping by my blog too. :)

Jerellt of Je's Anatomy
Enchie of Sweet Nothings


Rules for This Award:
1. Pass it to 10 sweet people
2. Inform them about this award
3. LINK BACK to the ONE WHO GAVE you the award

Happy blogging! 'til my next (backlog) post! Haha! ;p

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