Happy 2010!!!

I know, right?! It's been almost 2 weeks after the new year, but here I am, still writing about it. :P I hope you will still take time to read this as this is just one of my many backlog blog posts haha! Yup, there are still more to come! ^_^

Welcoming the new year has always been one of the events that I really look forward to. And as always, I welcomed the new year with my family and relatives.

Everyone’s excited to welcome the new year.  In as early as 3pm you could already hear sounds of firecrackers everywhere.  Jaoey and my cousins were already lighting their sparkles and firecrackers in as early as 6pm.  And at exactly 12 midnight, sounds of firecrackers and shouts of joy filled the air and the skies were covered and lit by beautiful colors of fire. :)

But what most of us were really excited about was the Media Noche! After welcoming the new year with a bang, we all feasted on these tasty treats! :)

Happy 2010!!!

May we all have a wonderful year ahead!!! ^_^

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