Kirby & Joycie's Wedding

I accompanied Mark to his friend's wedding last December 16. He was one of the groom's men and, being the annoyingly sweet type, he invited me over (as early as October, I think) because he said he needed a gorgeous photographer! haha!

He was very much concerned at how he looks and even days before the wedding, he was whining non-stop about the not-so-obvious little blemishes on his face! And honestly, this was the first time that I knew of this vanity! He even bought kojic acid soap and scrubbed his face the night before! Hahaha! And the moment he arrived at our house to fetch me up, all he could say was "Ok na ba yung mukha ko? Nag-da-dry pa ba?" He can't seem to be contented with what I said so he started taking photos of him when we got into the car. Vain Mark! Hahaha!

Mark, being sooooo vain, and I, ruining his shots haha!

We got into the church a little early so we decided to take some pictures first. :p

Mark and I, while waiting for the people to arrive

It was my first time to witness a Christian wedding. It was a lot different from the traditional Catholic weddings as there was no mass celebrated. It was the Pastor who headed the celebration. The wedding entourage was complete, but the secondary sponsors didn't really took part in the celebration, unlike in Catholic weddings where they are designated to light the candles and put veil and cord to the couple. They also had no wedding rings. But being so simple as it may seem, I must admit that it was a lot more intimate and solemn than traditional Catholic weddings. You can really feel the sincerity and love of the couple as they exchange their heartfelt vows. I also liked how the Pastor gave the couple his advice. Everything was just spontaneous, solemn, and heartfelt.

Joycie and Kirby as they exchange vows

The reception was very much like that of the traditional weddings, it also included the traditional cake-cutting, drinking of wine, and the couple's dance.

There was also the throwing of the bouquet and garter. All the single ladies were called and I was the one who was left without a having caught a single rose that was thrown by the bride so it was I who was given the bride's bouquet. It was believed that whoever catches the bouquet and garter will be the next couple to get married. And guess who got the groom's garter? Hmmmm...Could this be a sign? haha! Ooops! Daddy, you know I'm just kidding right? ;p I love you!

-Mark and I: next in line???
-My Dad (to me): sure, when you turn 39!
-Mark's Mom (to Mark): ok, when you're 32!

Everyone was teasing us especially when the host of the program suggested that we kiss!

We took some more photos before finally going home. ;p

Click HERE for more photos. :)

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