
Ever wondered why it seems so hard for most guys to express what they feel? And why they can't seem to understand that girls always need reassurance? *sigh*

Good thing I already know how to handle situations like that. ;p Well, fine, Mark is not totally inexpressive. :) But just as what I've said in my first blog entry, nothing really compares to my guy's style.

Aside from being annoyingly sweet, he's also fond of writing heart warming messages which never fail to make me smile. :) And just this morning, I got one. :)

Here's another kilig note from my not-too-obvious-but-really-sweet love. ;p

Sometimes when I look at you, I can hardly believe that you're mine...

I think about how special you are...how caring and sensitive, how interesting and funny...
and I can hardly believe that out of this whole world of people, I was lucky enough to find you.

Sometimes when I look at you, I remember what it was like in the beginning, when we were just getting to know each other...

I'll never forget the nervous excitement I used to feel every time I saw you, and I smile every time I re-live the tenderness of our very first kiss.

Sometimes when I look at you, I get lost in the memories of the special times we've shared..in daydreams of happiness we've yet to discover together.

And every time I look at you...
I realize how much I love the love we share, and just how very much I love you...

- Euge

Awww...I love you too!!! :)

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