I've been listening to their show since I started working and it has been part of my daily morning routines (especially when I'm not busy at work *wink*). I have been enjoying listening to their top 10, especially when the entries come from my friends, Jerellt and Joie. I got inspired and thought of joining the show too, and just last December, I became an active rusher. :)
I join their top 10 every once in a while and my entry would usually land on the 3rd-8th spot. But yesterday, I made it to the top spot! Woohoooo! :D Thanks to Ramon Tulfo! Hahaha! And to Je for sharing the link of Tulfo's column. :)
Their topic was about the Things to say after watching someone's sex scandal video. Below is my exact entry, which Chico tweaked a little bit..hehe..
This was part of what Ramon Tulfo wrote in one of his columns in Inquirer.net: "I am filing a criminal complaint against Hayden Kho. I will charge him in court with illegal possession of a not-so-deadly weapon".
You may download and listen to the Morning Rush Top 10 HERE.