Selflessness + Faith = True Love and Genuine Happiness

I really got inspired with today's homily and I said to myself that I should not be letting the day pass without sharing it with you.. :) Hope this one touches your hearts the way it touched mine. :)

These were some of the points that struck me the most: (1) "God doesn't want us to give much..He wants us to give all. :)" and (2) "Jesus' power and intention to heal all those who come to him with faith, with hope, with charity in their hearts."

The first point says that God wants us to give our all. But God is not a greedy God. He just wants us to give Him everything that we have so that He can nourish them and give them back to us.

This is also true in love. Most people say that when you love, you should always keep a little for yourself. But with God's love, this is not the case. Just as when God gave us His Son because He loves us, He also wants us to give our all when we love.

The next point says that God always hears the prayers of those who selflessly pray in faith. He always answers our prayers in varying degrees of immediacy. We will only get the fullness of the answer in the way and the time that God knows is truly best for us and for everyone else involved in the healing.

In love, there may be times that we become confused and seek for answers to different questions. We oftentimes ask God why He let all the hurt happen to us. But we are not supposed to always understand why certain things happen. We don't always have to know the reasons why God allows some things to take place. All that is asked from us is to trust Him completely and let Him be in control.

It is only when we love selflessly and let God take charge, that we will find true love and genuine happiness. God will never fail us..NOT NOW..NOT NEVER!

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