In the Name of Love...

I've been with Mark for more than 4 years now. 4 years, 5 months, and 8 days, to be exact. :D It's magic how we both became part of each other's lives. I never really thought that we would get this far. We actually had a bad start. I was trying to recover from a heartache, while he was left all alone by his past love. I think we got along well because we shared the same sentiments, a broken heart. Days passed and we became close as we shared each one's heartache.

Years passed and the closeness we shared grew to even more than what we expected. And then the day came, when we promised to take care of each other's heart. :) We shared a lot of happy moments together. We went to different places, shared a lot of tasty treats, experienced different adventures, and discovered a lot things in each other. True enough, we were in love.

But just as ordinary relationships, there will always be some trials. Trials that happen maybe to test how strong the love is, or just to teach us and lead us to the right one for us.

One of the trials that I'll never forget is when Mark cheated on me. I never really thought he could do anything that would hurt me that much. It's the first time that I really felt that way..Do you know how it feels to be cheated on? It's like falling from a deadly cliff and surviving the know you survived yet you still wish you've died. Yup, I was so depressed that time that I really wished I've died. I really felt bad at him but it seemed that I had no strength to hurt him back. And in my desire of not wanting to hurt him, I didn't notice that I was already hurting myself. I didn't want to eat to the point that I became sick. I went through paranoia and a lot of sleepless nights. And during that time, all I wanted was to die.

Sometimes two people just decide to be friends even if they love each other, and I often wonder why. I suppose it's not the love that's so hard to sustain, but the commitment that complicates evertything.

But finally it's over. We decided to live on what we onced take care of each other's hearts. And now, everything seems to be going well. Mark and I decided to be the name of love..

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