First Day Blues

I am finally free!!! Free from all sorts of stress and pressure that I experienced in the past 2 years! And I'm really happy to have escaped that nightmare! :p

It was my first day at work and I was very much excited of the new experiences and new adventures that are waiting for me. But what I hate the most is the struggle that I have to overcome on first days like:
- having to deal with new sets of people with different personalities
- being along during breaks
- trying to cope with every new task
- and all other struggles that you can imagine :p

Read on as I share with you my First Day Blues :D

4:00 am
I woke up and started to get myself ready for work..excited!! hahaha!

5:25 am
Me and my dad went off to work. We usually leave the house this early to avoid all the traffice and the morning rush..

6:30 am
We were already at my office. I knew that I'm way too early so I decided to have breakfast first.

7:00 am
I finished eating breakfast at a nearby fastfood chain.

7:15 am
I got back at the office, signed in the receptionist's log book, and waited at the reception area.

8:30 am
The receptionist, finally realizing how long i'd been sitting there, guided me to the meeting room.

8:45 am
I felt so bored that I started drafting out a post for my blog. Haha!

10:00 am
The HR personnel as well as 4 of the other new hires arrived. The HR rep had us sign and accomplish a lot of forms!

12:00 noon
Lunch time - what I hate the most on first days! I didn't eat lunch (coz I don't really want eating alone) and just stayed at the building lobby and let the time pass by listening to some mp3s.

1:00 pm
We had a tour at the office.

1:25 pm
We were introduced to te IT personnel who gave us our laptops.

1:31 pm
I was introduced to my manager who accompanied me to my work station. And I really didn't like what I saw! Arrgh!

On top of the table was a lot of unorganized old documents, a brown envelope, a pair of scissors, a used marker, 2 used pencils, an empty bottle of VS Sensual Sunset Body Lotion, and a 'Desidereta' note. In the pedestal, I saw these: pink Christmas ball, colorful masquerade mask with green feather accents, used steno notebook, plastic with spoon, fork, and tissue, folders and used papers, a colorful starbucks tumbler, a can of Planter's Cheese Curls, a rainbow-colored headband/belt, and a bunch of folders and old documents!

I really didn't know if my manager accompanied me to the right desk, but well yes, he confirmed that that was the one he designated for me, and just promised to have it cleaned by the personnel.

It was not a big deal for me though, I just got a little frustrated as to how they plan things. I thought they should have had it cleaned and cleared first before letting someone occupy it. :p

1:47 pm
I still don't know what my tasks are, plus, I can't get my laptop working! I really hate working on hardware and configuring things! :p Also, I don't know where my buddy was! He was supposed to be the one helping me out on this..hmp!

2:08 pm
I thought of doing something productive and so I started reading the documents that the HR rep gave. :)

2:32 pm
I finished reading the first doc and started to read the second one.

3:01 pm
My buddy still hasn't arrived..which made me think..Has he really went to work? :p I also started to feel sleepy! zzzZzZZ!

3:45 pm
I just finished reading the second document..and my buddy wasn't on his desk yet..

4:00 pm
One hour to go and I'm off for home! Yipee! :D

4:13 pm
Finally I saw my buddy on his desk. I heard he just got back from a training. *sigh*
And well since the day is close to it's end, I guess he'll just help me setup everything tomorrow. :p

4:40 pm
I started fixing my things and was already prepared to go home.

4:50 pm
I tried my luck and I was able to make my laptop work! Haha! But well it's too late..

5:00 pm
I was off for home! At last! Wooohooo! :D

Finally, my first day was over. It was kinda boring but I think I can stand doing these things more than doing things in hell! If you're one of my true friends, you know what I meant of HELL! Haha!

Well it never really happened and ended the way I thought it would but at least it ended..hehe..I wonder what tomorrow will be like! :)

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